2019-2020 Graduate Catalog 
    Jan 14, 2025  
2019-2020 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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BIO 525 - Medical Genetics

Units: 4
When Offered: Summer
This course will involve basic principles of heredity (including cytogenetics, molecular and mendelian genetics) and the processes that lead to genetic variability in humans. Additionally, how different genetic mutations and chromosomal abnormalities can give rise to genetic disorders will be examined. Through a few select genetic disorders, awareness of their genetic causes, genetic testing, clinical manifestations of genetic diseases, as well as physical, psychological and social impacts of these disorders on patients will be explored, as well as recent discoveries from human genomics and pharmacogenetics that have influenced postsymptomatic treatment strategies and presymptomatic prevention-based healthcare. The course will also include problem-based learning to solve a range of genetic problems to enhance the integration of skills and knowledge from many fields.
Grade Type: Letter Grade

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