2020-2021 Graduate Catalog 
    Feb 17, 2025  
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Information


Graduation Under a Particular Catalog

Students must adhere to graduation requirements listed in the catalog in effect at the time of matriculation. A student may choose to use any newer catalog, provided the catalog used is not expired. The catalog remains in effect for the student until degree completion or catalog expiration of five years for master students and seven years for doctorate students. All students who are readmitted to programs at California Baptist University after officially or unofficially withdrawing or any lapse of enrollment longer than one semester will be placed under the catalog current at the time of re-admission, and will be subject to the degree requirements outlined in that catalog. The University is not responsible for providing courses or programs which have been discontinued.

Continuation under the catalog holds ONLY degree requirements; it does NOT hold policies, tuition and fees, and other information, which may change annually. It is the responsibility of the student to attend to changes in policies, tuition and fees and other information. Updates regarding current policies, tuition and fees and other information is available from Academic Advising, Office of the University Registrar, Student Accounts, Student Services, and other University offices.

In addition to catalog requirements, students are also held to program specific regulations and requirements as outlined in each graduate program Handbook. Students are responsible for obtaining and reading their program Handbook. Contact the program secretary for additional information.

Work in Residence

Students are expected to complete the majority of required coursework in residence. With approval from the program director and Office of the University Registrar, a maximum of 9 units of graduate level coursework may be transferred from another university.

Student Load Limits

Students who have not completed program prerequisites may be admitted conditionally with the following stipulations for the first semester of enrollment:

  1. If three or more prerequisites are outstanding, the student may not enroll in graduate classes, but may enroll in undergraduate classes to meet the prerequisite requirements.
  2. If two or fewer prerequisites are needed, they must be completed by the end of the first semester of enrollment in a graduate program.

Students taking prerequisites at California Baptist University may not enroll in more than 12 units (undergraduate and graduate) in any one semester; individual programs may have a limit lower than 12 units per semester. Individuals requesting exceptions must receive written permission from the program director.

Credit Hour

California Baptist University defines a credit hour as a minimum of 45 hours of engaged learning time over the duration of a term.  This engaged learning time may be in face-to-face meetings, in a prescribed lab or internship/practicum setting, in synchronous or asynchronous online learning activities, hybrid courses, or in independent reading, research, or writing activities.

Approval for Graduation

Students should review their InsideCBU degree guide on a regular basis to evaluate progress toward graduation. Students should submit an application for graduation by the graduation application deadline for the posting date by which they are planning to complete all degree requirements. Students who have submitted an application for graduation will receive a degree evaluation from the Office of the University Registrar. Upon verification of eligibility to graduate a student may participate in ceremonies. Graduation Applications must be submitted by the application deadline or the student will be assessed a Late Graduation Application fee due at the time of application. Applications received after the degree posting date will be required to apply for the next eligible degree date. All candidates for graduation must be recommended by the faculty. Failure to complete degree requirements by the designated posting date may require re-application and an additional fee will be assessed.

Graduation Check List

  • Earn a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.0 overall with no grade below B- in the degree
  • Complete all pre-requisite coursework for the degree
  • Complete all coursework requirements in the Master’s or Doctoral Degree selected from the University Graduate Catalog
  • Complete a graduation application for planned graduation date
  • Satisfy all financial obligations
  • Be in good academic standing (not suspended or academically disqualified) at the time of completion

Degree Posting Dates

The University posts degrees three times each year, regardless of the specific date all work is completed. All degree requirements must be met prior to the posting date. The three approximate posting dates are at the end of the regular fall semester (last day in December), the end of the regular spring semester (first Friday in May), and the end of the regular summer semester (last day in August). Degrees completed between posting dates will be posted at the next scheduled date.

Once the degree is posted, no changes will be made to the transcript.

Transfer Restrictions

The Office of the University Registrar, with the program director, will evaluate previous college work to determine its relationship to the requirements of California Baptist University. A maximum of nine (9) graduate semester units or up to 25% of the graduate degree units may be accepted in transfer toward fulfilling degree requirements. The student may be asked to submit a syllabus and/or textbooks for the course(s) in question. Courses must have been completed within the last five years. Only coursework completed with grades of B- or better from an accredited institution recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and/or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation is transferable. California Baptist University does not accept transfer work that was not designated as degree-applicable by the issuing institution. A transfer student may be required to submit a letter from the academic institution verifying they left in good standing. Course Transfer Approval forms may be obtained in the Office of the University Registrar.

Enrollment at Other Institutions

All students who wish to take coursework at other institutions and wish to apply this work toward degree requirements at California Baptist University should receive prior approval from the Registrar. The purpose of this is to ensure that the coursework is transferable to California Baptist University, and to encourage student success by monitoring total academic loads. Students not receiving prior approval for enrollment at another institution may not be permitted to transfer those credits. Additional information and appropriate forms are available on the California Baptist University web site.

Scholastic Regulations

A graduate student must maintain satisfactory scholastic standing in order to remain enrolled in a graduate program at California Baptist University. Satisfactory scholastic standing for graduate students is a semester grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 or above on a 4.0 scale. Only grades of B- or above will fulfill requirements for a graduate degree. A cumulative grade point average of 3.0 or above is required for graduation.

A student who fails to attain and maintain the scholastic standing, but who passes some courses, with a semester GPA of 2.7 or higher is placed on Academic Probation for one semester. Failure to meet satisfactory scholastic standing the semester following probation will result in Academic Suspension.

A student earning a semester GPA below 2.7 will be suspended and will not be granted a probationary semester.

A student who has been suspended for one semester must be approved by the Admissions and Retention Committee for re-admission to the University with probationary status. After being re-admitted, the student will be allowed one semester to meet satisfactory scholastic standing by achieving a 3.0 semester GPA. A person who has been academically suspended and re-admitted must meet satisfactory scholastic standing or show significant improvement, to avoid a second suspension. A second consecutive suspension will render the suspended student academically disqualified for continued enrollment. To regain academic qualification a student must demonstrate that they have the educational skills and motivation necessary to be academically successful. To do this, the student should demonstrate significant progress toward aligning their personal and professional goals in such a way that promotes their academic success. This is accomplished through additional work experience and/or certifications. Upon return to CBU the student may have to be readmitted to the University prior to enrolling. (See Satisfactory Academic Progress in the Financial Aid  Section and Readmit in the Traditional Admissions  Section).

All appeals should be directed to the Chair of the Admissions and Retention Committee in compliance with dates detailed in the letter of notification of suspension sent after the close of each semester.

Student Grievances

A student wishing to express concerns or grievances about academic matters involving coursework or interactions with instructors should first contact the instructor involved so that there is opportunity for each to address the specific student concerns. If the student feels unable to approach the instructor directly or does not believe the issue has been fully resolved with the instructor, the student should contact the Department Chair or Dean of the School or College having oversight of that course. If issues remain unresolved at these levels, the final academic point of contact is dependent on the California Baptist University division in which the student is enrolled.

  • Traditional students should appeal to the Dean of Student Success
  • Online and Professional Studies students should appeal to the Associate Vice President of Academics

For disputes involving conduct prohibited under the University’s Title IX Policy, students, staff, and faculty are expected to promptly notify the Title IX Coordinator for proceedings consistent with the Title IX Policy.

Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty (cheating, plagiarism, copying, and other forms) will be reported to the Dean of Students. Judicial sanctions for offense are handled on a case-by-case basis depending on the seriousness of the violation, prior violations and other factors. Judicial sanctions may include, but are not limited to, loss of a letter grade or failure in the course in which the offense occurred, suspension, and/or dismissal from the University. A detailed discussion of academic dishonesty is located in the Student Handbook.

Incomplete Grade Policy

Students may only file a Petition for Incomplete in cases of extreme and unforeseen emergencies. A Petition for Incomplete must be submitted to the dean of the school, college, or division in which the course is offered. Students are responsible to initiate and complete the Petition for Incomplete prior to the end of the semester in which the student is taking the course.  If the Incomplete grade is not changed to a passing grade within six weeks of the end of the session, term, or semester, the grade automatically becomes an F and credit for the course may be obtained only by repeating the course. An Incomplete grade fee is charged for all approved Incomplete petitions. An Incomplete grade may adversely affect students receiving financial aid.

Satisfactory Progress Grade Policy

Students may only request a grade of Satisfactory Progress (SP) for courses that include a requirement of fieldwork, student teaching, and/or observation hours for completion of the course and that requirement cannot be completed within the semester for which the student was enrolled into the course.  Students may only petition faculty members for a SP grade when the student is unable to complete the fieldwork during the semester due to conditions outside of the student’s control.  If a grade of SP is not raised to a passing grade within twelve (12) months of the issuance of the SP grade, the grade automatically becomes an F and credit for the course may be obtained only by repeating the course.  An SP grade may not be used to extend the six-week time frame of an Incomplete Grade.

Examinations/Make-up Tests

In the case of serious illness or unforeseen emergency, the student is responsible to communicate with the instructor of the course in which the test was missed as soon as practicable and arrange for a make-up test with the instructor. Make-up tests are at the discretion of the individual instructor.

Repeating Courses for Grade Replacement

A student may repeat a course in which a grade of B- or lower was earned. For grade replacement to apply, the course must have been originally taken in residence and repeated in residence. Courses that may be repeated multiple times for credit are not eligible for grade replacement. Tuition will be charged for the repeated units. Students may not repeat a course once their degree has been posted.

Students who elect to repeat a course may do so only one time for grade replacement. The second grade earned will be used in GPA calculations regardless of which grade is higher. If a grade of B- or higher is not earned when the course is repeated, the student may repeat the course again; however, subsequent grades will not replace the grade from the first repetition. Subsequent grades will be used in GPA calculations.

Grade Changes

Students who believe a grade has been recorded in error have the responsibility to initiate a grade change request with the instructor within 30 days of the final grade being recorded. Requests may be made for grade changes based on computation and recording errors. Otherwise, grades are final at the completion of the course. No grade changes will be permitted once the degree has been posted.

Grade Appeals

Any appeal for a grade change must be accompanied by appropriate documentation to demonstrate the grade was incorrectly recorded or determined. The grade appeal must include documentation that one or more of the following occurred: (1) The instructor made an error in calculating the final grade; (2) The final grade was based on criteria or standards at variance with the course syllabus; (3) The final grade was based on factors other than student achievement or performance. Failure to address one or more of these three reasons is a basis for rejection of that appeal. Students must recognize that they bear the burden of proof in the grade appeal process and that a grade appeal will not be successful without appropriate documentation

Students wishing to appeal a grade should follow the below regular order of contacts and time lines.

Instructor Appeal

An initial grade appeal should be made directly to the instructor. The student is encouraged to submit a written statement to the instructor clearly specifying the grounds upon which the student disputes the instructor’s academic decision.

  • Traditional Graduate/Undergraduate Students:
    • Grade appeals for Fall semester courses must be filed by February 1 of the Spring semester immediately following the completion of the disputed course.
    • Grade appeals for Spring or Summer semester courses must be filed by October 1 of the Fall semester immediately following the completion of the disputed course.
  • Online and Professional Studies Students:
    • Grade appeals must be submitted to the instructor within 30 days of the final grade being recorded. 

Department Chair or Dean Appeal

If the student is dissatisfied with the instructor’s response, or the instructor does not respond to a grade appeal within 30 days, the student may then appeal the instructor’s academic decision to the appropriate Department Chair or Dean of the School or College having oversight of that respective instructor and course. The appeal should be submitted within 30 days of instructor decision or non-response. 

Dean of Student Success/Associate Vice President of Academics

If the student is dissatisfied with the decision rendered by the Department Chair or Dean of the School or College, the student may submit an appeal within 30 days of the previous decision for possible mediation. Appeals should be submitted respective to the University program in which the student is enrolled (Traditional or Online and Professional Studies).

  • Traditional students should appeal to the Dean of Student Success
  • Online and Professional Studies students should appeal to the Associate Vice President of Academics

Upon receipt of the appeal, copies of the student’s supporting evidence associated with the appeal will be obtained and an attempt will be made to mediate a resolution between the student, the faculty, and the Department Chair or Dean.

Student Appeals Committee

If the appeal is unable to be resolved through mediation within 30 days, the student may request the appeal be submitted to the Student Appeals Committee.  The student’s request must be in writing and specify the student’s rationale for contesting the decision rendered by the Department Chair or Dean, as well as include all supporting evidence.  Upon submission of a timely request, the Student Appeals Committee will convene and render a decision within 15 days.

The Student Appeals Committee will convene and review all written documentation and evidence. The committee will receive the responses from previous appeals and have the discretion to request additional information prior to the committee meeting from the student, instructor, chair, or dean.  The committee will make its recommendation based solely on the documentation submitted.  Students are not permitted to attend the meeting or present before the committee.

Vice President/Provost

Following the Student Appeals Committee meeting, the committee will make a formal recommendation to the Vice President/Provost regarding a resolution.  Within 15 days of receiving the recommendation, the Vice President may (1) accept the recommendation, (2) reject the recommendation and issue an independent decision, or (3) request the committee conduct additional investigation and re-review the initial recommendation.

The Vice President/Provost’s decision is final and not subject to further appeal.

Quality of work in a course is indicated as follows:

Grade of A Indicates the highest quality of work and is reserved for outstanding achievement
Grade of B Indicates definitely superior work done in a sustained and intelligent manner. Grades of B- or above fulfill requirements for a graduate degree
Grade of C Indicates average university-level work satisfactorily performed
Grade of D Indicates the lowest passing grade
Grade of F Indicates a failing grade
Grade of P Indicates a passing grade
Grade of CR Indicates work attempted under the “Credit/No Credit” grading option that was at or above the B- level
Grade of NC Indicates work attempted under the “Credit/No Credit” grading option that was below the B- level
Grade of W Indicates a withdrawal from the class
Grade of I Indicates incomplete work. See Incomplete Work above
Grade of AU Indicates that the course was audited and not taken for academic credit
Grade of SP Indicates satisfactory progress in an ongoing course. (Thesis, Project, Student Teaching)
Grade of IP Indicates the course is in progress
Grade of NR Indicates no grade has been recorded


Course Grade Quality Points Course Grade Quality Points
A 4.0 D 1.0
A- 3.7 D - 0.7
B + 3.3 F 0.0
B 3.0 P (Pass) 0.0
B - 2.7 CR (Credit) 0.0
C + 2.3 NC (No Credit) 0.0
C 2.0 W (Withdrawal) 0.0
C - 1.7 I (Incomplete) 0.0
D + 1.3 SP (Satisfactory Progress) 0.0

Grade Reports

Grade reports are available to students through InsideCBU upon the completion of the semester. Students may view grades by accessing their Degree Guide in InsideCBU. The University does not release any grade information to any person other than the requesting student without the written permission of the student.

Change of Address

Students are expected to file a Student Information Change form with the Office of the University Registrar promptly upon a change of any personal information, including but not limited to student’s address, telephone number, or name. If a student does not receive University notices because of an incorrect or outdated address, the student will still be held responsible for the information provided. Students can access the Student Information Change Form on InsideCBU.

Course Cancellations and Format Changes

California Baptist University expects to deliver instruction to its students through its traditional in-person and online formats.  By attending the University, students acknowledge this expectation and understand that the University may be compelled to modify course instruction formats due to circumstances or events beyond the University’s reasonable control such as acts of God, acts of government, war, social unrest, and accidents.  As such, students attending the University assume the risk that circumstances may arise that mandate the closure of the campus or place restrictions upon the University’s delivery of instruction.   Further, all courses at California Baptist University are subject to cancellation, meeting day and time changes, or format changes for reasons such as low enrollment, curriculum updates, or staffing. Students will be notified of course cancellations and schedule changes via their California Baptist University LancerMail account.

Directed Study

Directed Study will be limited to those courses which are listed in the catalog part of the University’s regular curriculum. Independent Study will be limited to original coursework not included in the University’s regular curriculum. Approval for the arrangement must include the faculty member, Dean/Department Chair, and University Registrar. In addition to regular tuition, a per credit unit Directed or Independent Study fee will be assessed. On a form for directed and independent study, secured from Academic Advising, in collaboration with the appropriate faculty member, complete and submit the form to the Dean/Department Chair and University Registrar for approval.

Following are California Baptist University’s Directed and Independent Study guidelines:

  • 3.0 or better grade point average
  • Limit of four (4) units of directed study or independent study in any given semester
  • A maximum of nine (9) units of directed study or independent study may be applied toward degree requirements

Challenging a Course for Credit or Exemption

A student wishing to challenge a course by examination or certification should consult the Office of the University Registrar for information. Not all courses offered at California Baptist University may be challenged by exam or certification, and determinations will be made by the appropriate academic dean or department chair.

Students who wish only to be exempt from a course requirement, but not wishing to receive university credit, will be billed the exemption by exam or exemption by certification fee, and no credit will be earned. The exemption by exam fee will be assessed whether or not the exam is successfully passed.

Students who wish to receive credit for the challenged course and successfully pass the exam will be charged the appropriate tuition and a grade of “Credit” will appear on the transcript. If the exam is not passed the student will only be charged the exemption by exam fee and nothing will appear on the transcript.

Courses previously attempted at California Baptist University or another institution may not be challenged. Challenge exams may be attempted only once per course and should be completed prior to the add/drop dates. Credit and tuition costs for coursework completed by exam will appear in the semester that the exam is passed. Students may not exceed 30 units of degree credit by challenge exams.

Auditing a Course

Courses which are audited are not credit-bearing; they cannot be applied toward degree requirements. Audited courses do appear on the transcript and are indicated by an AU in lieu of a credit-bearing grade.

Students may register to audit a course during the first two weeks of the semester only, pending available space in the desired course. Regular withdrawal policies apply to audited coursework.

Post Baccalaureate Credit

Post baccalaureate credit for a course taken as an undergraduate student must be requested prior to the posting of the bachelor’s degree.
The following criteria must be met in order to grant credit:

  • Course(s) were not used to complete a bachelor’s degree, second major, minor, emphasis, or concentration.
  • Student was classified as a Senior (90.0+ units) when courses were completed.

Privacy of Student Records

In compliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), a student’s confidential academic record is available for inspection by the student. See the Office of the University Registrar for further information regarding academic records.

FERPA permits the University to disclose certain information (“Directory Information”) without the Student’s consent.  All other information, including grades, class schedules, tuition charges and fees, grade point average, etc. is confidential and the access is restricted to those persons or agencies defined in FERPA.

Please see Student Handbook for additional information.

Attendance and Withdrawal Policies

Completion of the registration process constitutes a contract and obligates the student for full payment. The student must complete the appropriate process to add, drop, or withdraw from a course. Students may seek assistance with the registration process from the Academic Advising office. Students should consult the University Calendar and Academic Advising for course and semester add, drop, and withdraw dates.

Class attendance is of paramount importance, and excessive absences will negatively affect the final grade. The individual instructor defines, in the course syllabus, the grading attendance policies for each class.

Please visit InsideCBU Attendance and Withdraw Policies for more specifics, as well as the Petition to Withdraw form.

Adding a Course

During the initial Add period a student may add a course to his or her schedule of classes. Adding a course could result in the increase of student account tuition and fee charges.

Dropping a Course

During the initial Drop period a student may drop a course and receive a full credit of tuition if applicable. No mark will appear on the transcript. A student may not drop a class merely by ceasing to attend. Dropping a class could result in the reduction of already awarded financial aid and an increase in the student account balance.

Withdrawal from a Course

Should a student officially withdraw from one or more courses during the Withdraw period, a grade of W will appear on the transcript for each course. Courses from which a student officially withdraws will not affect semester tuition unless the student withdraws from all registered courses, at which point it may affect semester tuition (See Withdrawal from the University and Semester or Session). After the Withdraw period no withdrawal from a course will be permitted. Students who cease attending after the withdraw period will receive a calculated grade based on the course syllabus requirements for that course.

A student who never attends or stops attending a course for which he or she is officially registered, without following the accepted procedures, will receive a grade in that course consistent with the requirements of the course syllabus.

A student who wishes to initiate withdrawal from a course after the Withdraw period may do so by filing an appeal to the Office of Student Success for traditional students or One-Stop Advisor for OPS students. Approval for a late withdrawal will be granted only in extreme cases where extenuating circumstances are evident and can be substantiated. No financial adjustments are made to the student’s account. Failing or performing poorly in a class, or dissatisfaction with the subject matter, class, or instructor are not defined as acceptable serious and compelling reasons for late withdrawal.

Withdrawal from the University and Semester or Session

Students requesting official withdrawal from the Semester or Session must complete a Petition to Withdraw form and follow the process defined within that form. Official withdrawal from the Semester or Session, if completed prior to the last day of the Semester or Session, will result in all courses reflecting grades of W for that enrollment period.  If students do not complete the requirements defined in the Petition to Withdraw form and ceases to attend all courses in the session at that time, grades for in-progress courses will be issued consistent with each course’s syllabus.  

Students requesting official withdrawal from the University must complete a Petition to Withdraw form and follow the process defined within that form.  

Ceasing to attend courses does not constitute an official withdrawal from a course or from the University. However, ceasing to attend all courses may result in Return to Title IV financial aid processing, as required per federal regulations.

Refer to the Financial Aid  and Student Accounts  sections in this catalog for additional information regarding the effects of completing an official withdraw and the effects of ceasing to attend without providing official notification to the University according to the official withdraw process.

Leave of Absence

A student that needs to take a leave of absence and plans to return to the University should complete a Petition for Leave of Absence. If approved, a student may leave the University for up to one semester and return at the conclusion of the leave without completing the readmit process. Students will be expected to fulfill the graduation requirements in effect at the date of their original matriculation. Students who do not return from a leave of absence will be considered withdrawn from the University and will need to complete the readmit process.

Administrative Discretion

The University reserves the right to disqualify, discontinue, exclude, or involuntarily withdraw any student from the University at the discretion of the provost, the vice president for enrollment and student services, dean of student services, or designee.

California Baptist University is concerned about the well-being of all students. Behavior that demonstrates that the student’s well-being may be in jeopardy, interferes with the educational efforts of other students, puts fellow students or the institution at risk, or conflicts with California Baptist University’s mission to educate all students may result in an administrative withdrawal from the institution.

Other Academic Information

Academic Computing

The University provides a wide array of technologies to facilitate teaching and learning. Complementing a vanguard computing infrastructure are a number of computer labs located in the Annie Gabriel Library, Business Building, W.E. James Complex, and Yeager University Center. Coursework in computer technology is also available. A valid student identification card is required for access to computer labs.

Annie Gabriel Library

The staff, resources, and services of the Annie Gabriel Library enhance the quality of the academic experience available at California Baptist University by supporting the instruction, learning, and research activities of its students and faculty. In addition to the more than 400,000 books (including 280,000 eBooks) in its collection, the library currently provides access to more than 45,000 full-text journal titles through its online databases and subscriptions. Students and faculty can access books, journals, reference resources, videos, and music through the library catalog (OneSearch Catalog), which is available along with many other resources and services through the library Web page. The Annie Gabriel Library houses computer work stations and provides access to the campus wireless network. It participates in local, regional, and national information networks that increase its resource-offerings to the CBU community through its interlibrary loan programs. It houses special collections and archives devoted to Southern Baptist History, Holocaust Studies, Hymnology, and CBU History.

Office of Student Success

The Office of Student Success (OSS) is a one-stop-shop for a variety of academic needs and resources. Student Success includes CBU’s Academic Success Center (ASC), the University Tutoring Center, the University Writing Center, the Disability Services Office, and the Veterans Resource Center.

Disability Services

The Disability Services Office is committed to providing support services to achieve equal access to the education experience. Disability Services (DS) approves and coordinates accommodations and services for Students with documented disabilities to help Students acquire skills essential to achieve academic success. Services may include note taking, extended testing time, a quiet testing environment, academic support, and auxiliary aids, i.e., Interpreter, readers/scribes for exams, and textbooks in alternate format.

University Tutoring Center

The University Tutoring Center (UTC) provides additional instruction and academic resources in order to help CBU students succeed in their coursework. 

University Writing Center

Writing Center coaches are trained to cultivate purpose-driven writers, communicators, and influencers.  They are here to help students develop the necessary process and strategies to become more rhetorical writers, who communicate clearly and persuasively. While they are not editors, the coaches provide useful resources and help students to recognize areas for improvement.

Veterans Resource Center

Strategically located next to the US Army Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) office and Office of Student Accounts, the Veterans Resource Center is co-located with the Office of Student Success to provide ready access to tutoring, testing, and Disability Services. The Veterans Resource Center (VRC) is committed to providing a supportive environment and a committed campus culture to all Student veterans and their dependents. The VRC is devoted to assisting veterans with their transition to post-secondary education. Using veteran educational benefits, VRC staff will process course certification to the Department of Veterans Affairs in a timely and efficient manner. The VRC is dedicated to providing Student veterans/dependents a place to study, relax, fellowship with other veterans, increase peer mentorship, and offer computer access with complimentary printing.

The VRC maintains records for each identified veteran. A record of transfer work is kept on file and the Veterans Affairs (VA) is notified of the transfer work accepted for each veteran.

Other Resources

The OSS also facilitates/coordinates review of Academic Appeals and provides administrative support for the Alpha Chi National Honor Society.

Office of the University Registrar

The Office of the University Registrar maintains the student’s official academic record and assists students with transcripts, letter requests, degree and enrollment verifications, and other requests related to the student’s enrollment. The Office of the University Registrar also maintains articulation agreements, completes official evaluation of previous college work, reviews requests for concurrent enrollment transfer approvals, reviews academic variances, processes all applications for graduation, reviews the academic record for final degree completion, and posts completed degrees.

Veterans Services

California Baptist University (CBU) is a participating Concurrent Admissions Program (ConAp) institution, and military credit or experience may provide some equivalency credit in accordance with the American Council on Education (ACE) guidelines.

At the beginning of their first term registered for courses at CBU, new student veterans and dependents must provide a written request to the CBU School Certifying Official (SCO) to initiate reporting of verification of enrollment and academic progress to the appropriate VA office. Continuing students are not required to submit written request to the SCO. Any changes in enrollment or attendance should be reported to the SCO. Satisfactory progress must be maintained as specified in the Scholastic Regulations Section under Academic Policies.

Student veterans/dependents requesting their classes be certified under Chapter 33 (Post 9/11 GI Bill®) are required to submit a certificate of eligibility from the VA to the SCO. Student veterans under Chapter 31 Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VA VR&E) case manager should submit VA Form 28-1905 (Authorization and Certification of Entrance or Reentrance into Rehabilitation and Certification of Status) directly to the SCO. For a period of ninety (90) days from the beginning of each term, students under Chapters 31 or 33 will not incur any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or be required to secure additional financial resources to meet the student’s financial obligation which results from delayed VA disbursement.

GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). For more information about VA educational benefits, visit www.gibill.va.gov.

Military Tuition Assistance

CBU Division of Online and Professional Studies is proud to participate in the Department of Defense Military Tuition Assistance (TA) benefit program available to current service members of all branches of the Armed Forces.  For additional information, go to cbuonline.edu/students/militarytuitionassistance.