2020-2021 Graduate Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



  • MAT 514 - Partial Differential Equations

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Spring (even years)
    This course is designed to teach students how to analyze, solve and apply partial differential equations. Students will learn about well-posed and ill-posed problems; existence and uniqueness of solutions to PDEs (Partial Differential equations). Students will learn about linear, quasi-linear and non-linear PDEs of the first order in on spatial dimension. Students will learn about wave propagation, hyperbolic and parabolic PDEs in one spatial dimension. Students will learn and use different methods for solving PDEs such as separation of variables, method of characteristics, green functions, etc. Students will learn about Fourier series and integrals, higher order equations and vibrational methods. Applications will be discussed for most equations.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): MAT 503 
  • MAT 516 - Math Biology

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Spring (even years)
    The study of difference equations to model different biological phenomena. An introduction to concepts of the qualitative theory of differential equations such as steady-state solutions, stability and linearization, Phase-Plane methods and nullclines, classifying stability characteristics, global and local behavior, limit cycles, oscillations, and the Poincaré-Bendixson theorem. An introduction to linear difference equations and how to solve these analytically while understanding the behavior of solutions. Students will learn how analyze the qualitative behavior of solutions for nonlinear difference equations via linearization. The study of steady states, stability criteria and cobwebbing and other numerical resources to solve difference equations.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MAT 525 - Applied Topology

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Fall (odd years)
    This course serves to provide an introduction to various applications of topology concentrating on applications of point-set topology. Topology is a major field of mathematics and is, therefore, worthy of study in and of itself. However, topology also serves to lay the foundation for future study in other fields of mathematics, such as geometry, analysis, and algebraic topology. Furthermore, some of the most exciting applications of mathematics today are that of topology. This course may include discussion of applications to various topics within science, technology, and industry, including chemistry, biochemistry, genetics, cryptography, robotics, and GIS.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MAT 526 - Linear Programming

    Units: 3
    When Offered: As offered
    A discussion of optimization methods using linear programming. Topics will include the simplex computational procedure, the revised simplex method, duality problems of linear programming, degeneracy and anticycling procedures, parametric linear programming and sensitivity analysis, additional computational techniques and applications.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MAT 533 - Complex Analysis

    Units: 3
    When Offered: As offered
    This course covers concepts within Complex Analysis including: complex functions, analytic and harmonic functions, sequences, series, complex integration, Taylor and Laurent series, residue theory, z-transforms and applications, applications of harmonic functions, Fourier series, and the Laplace Transform.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MAT 553 - Numerical Analysis

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Fall (even years)
    In this course students will learn to apply techniques in numerical analysis to solutions of equations of one variable, interpolations and polynomial approximations, numerical integration and differentiation, numerical solutions of initial value problems, iterative methods solving linear systems, approximation theory, approximation Eigenvalues, systems of nonlinear equations, and boundary-value problems for ordinary differential equations.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MAT 563 - Stochastic Processes

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Fall (even years)
    This course is a nonmeasure theoretic introduction to stochastic processes. A strong probabilistic foundation will be used to analyze appropriate probability models in order to predict the effects of randomness on systems studied. Applications of probability theory to the study of phenomena in various fields including engineering, computer science, management science, the physical and social sciences, and operations research.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MAT 576 - Scientific Computing

    Units: 4
    When Offered: Spring (odd years)
    This course will enable the student to formulate, analyze, and simulate problems arising in the fields on natural and mathematical sciences. Computational skills will be coupled with development of stochastic models with emphasis upon project implementation, efficiency, and accuracy of algorithms and the interpreting results obtained. Specific topics include linear and nonlinear systems of equations, polynomial interpolation, numerical integration, and introduction to numerical solution of differential equations incorporated into real world applications of Markov Chains, Random Walks, Poisson Processes, Birth and Death Processes, Renewal Phenomena, Phase-type Distributions, Queuing systems, Brownian Motion, and SIR Modeling.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): MAT 563 
  • MAT 590 - Research in Applied Mathematics

    Units: 1-4
    When Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
    The main purpose of this course is for students to participate in mathematical research and disseminate results through presentations at research talks and/or conferences. The focus of this class is an independent research project that the student undertakes under the direction of a faculty member who acts as a research advisor. Content varies from year to year and is determined by both instructor’s and students’ interests.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a maximum of eight (8) units
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of the Department Chair
  • MAT 598 - Capstone in Applied Mathematics

    Units: 1
    When Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
    This course is designed to be a culminating experience for students to process and assimilate knowledge and experience they have gained by participating in a research or project opportunity prior to or concurrent with this course. Students in will prepare a presentation (both oral and written) that focuses on that experience.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of the Dean or the Department Chair
    Pre- or Co- Requisite(s): MAT 590  

Mechanical Engineering

  • MCE 541 - Advanced Manufacturing and Industrial Engineering Processes

    Units: 3
    When Offered: As offered
    This course will cover a qualitative and quantitative study of manufacturing processes. Fundamental principles of value-added processing of materials into useable forms for the customer will be covered. Topics will include material properties and traditional and non-traditional manufacturing processes with an emphasis on process selection for optimum design with quality, strength and economic evaluations. The course will also cover the discussion on quality control, Six Sigma, Kaizen, lean manufacturing technologies and advanced planning and scheduling of production.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MCE 542 - Imaging and Sensing for Engineers

    Units: 3
    When Offered: As offered
    An advanced study of waves and optics, with explicit investigation into mechanical and electromagnetic waves. Topics include (but not limited to): simple harmonic motion, superposition, dampening, forced oscillations, beats, elasticity, coupling, normal modes, polarization, constructive and destructive interference, single and double slit interference, diffraction gratings, lenses, ray optics, geometric optics, physical optics, beams, and Doppler effect. The course is a very lab intensive class taught in a semi inquiry-based manner. The class and lab are heavily integrated.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Pre- or Co- Requisite(s): EGR 503  
  • MCE 543 - Solar Thermal Engineering

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    This course will cover the fundamentals of solar radiation, radiation characteristics of opaque surfaces, transmission through glazing, thermal analysis of flat plate and concentrating solar collectors. The course will also cover the topics of solar energy storage and solar water-heating.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MCE 544 - Advance Fluid Mechanics

    Units: 3
    When Offered: As offered
    This course covers the topics of Equations of Compressible Viscous Flow, solutions of the Newtonian Viscous-Flow Equations, Laminar Boundary Layers, the Stability of Laminar Flows, Incompressible Turbulent Mean Flow, and Compressible Boundary Layer Flow.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MCE 545 - Thermal Design of Heat Exchangers

    Units: 3
    When Offered: As offered
    This course covers the topics of classification of heat exchangers, design methods, single-phase convection correlations and two phase-correlations, pressure drop calculations, and fouling of heat exchangers. Study of various types of heat exchangers are also discussed, such as double pipe heat exchangers, shell-and-tube heat exchanger, compact heat exchangers, plate heat exchangers, condensers, and evaporators.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MCE 546 - Aerodynamics

    Units: 3
    When Offered: As offered
    This course will introduce students to the topic of gas dynamics and concepts of lift, drag, and pitching moment. The course will also cover the topics of potential flow, mechanics of laminar and turbulent flow, boundary-layer theory, and applications to wings and turbo-machinery. Numerical analysis will also be utilized in design analysis and problem solving.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MCE 548 - Propulsion

    Units: 3
    When Offered: As offered
    This course will introduce students to the topic of propulsion, stationary power production with gas turbine engines, and reciprocating engines. Air-breathing propulsion is emphasized, with a brief treatment of rocket propulsion. It also includes the application of thermodynamic and fluid-mechanical principles to analysis of performance and design with numerical methods.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MCE 565 - Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering

    Units: 1-4
    When Offered: As offered
    This course offers a concentration upon a specific topic within the field of mechanical engineering. The topic varies by semester.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for credit with change in topic
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MCE 599 - Independent Study in Mechanical Engineering

    Units: 1-3
    When Offered: As offered
    This course provides an opportunity for students who have demonstrated the ability to do independent work to pursue in-depth a mechanical engineering topic of particular interest.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade


  • MUS 500 - Graduate Research, Resource, and Writing

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Fall (even years)
    Intensive study and analysis of research methods and sources related to music studies, lexicons, dictionaries, monuments, journals, catalogs of composers, music literature and instruction, and evaluation methods of sources in all areas of music. Development of scholarly writing skills.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 501 - Research Methods in Worship Studies

    Units: 1
    When Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
    Exploration and analysis of effective tools for graduate study in Worship Studies. This includes a survey of the most significant literature in the field of Christian worship and the development of scholarly writing and communication skills.
    Grade Type: Pass/Fail
  • MUS 502 - Introduction to Music Education Research

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Spring
    Examination of designs and methods in music education research-quantitative, qualitative, philosophical and historical. Ability to understand, critique, interpret and utilize research in music teaching and scholarship. Development of scholarly writing skills.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): MUS 500 
  • MUS 503 - Musicology Seminar I

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Fall (odd years)
    An intensive study of specific periods in music history. Topics will be announced in advance and drawn from the following: Music in the Renaissance, Music in the Baroque, Classicism in Music, and other specialized topics related to music history.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 504 - Musicology Seminar II

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Spring (even years)
    An intensive study of specific periods in music history. Topics will be announced in advance and drawn from the following: Romanticism in Music, 20th Century Music, American Music and other specialized topics related to music history.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 505 - Current Issues in Music Education

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Fall
    Study of current issues and emerging pedagogies in music education including policy, advocacy, curriculum, diversity and other topics related to current music education trends.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 506 - Survey of Orchestral Literature

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Fall
    Survey of orchestral literature and composers from the late 18th century to present. Emphasis is placed on performance practice of each style period and major orchestral works. Explored literature will vary in difficulty, from beginning to professional ensembles.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 507 - Doctrine of Worship and the Church

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Summer
    This course examines the biblical, theological, and historical doctrine of the church and its worship, enabling students to assess models of worship leadership and ministry.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Fee: Additional fee
  • MUS 508 - Contemporary Issues in Worship and Ministry

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Fall
    An exploration of leadership principles specific to pastoral ministry. Emphasis is placed on music ministry leadership issues in contemporary church applications.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 509 - Foundations of Music Education I

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Fall
    Introduction to the philosophical and historical foundations of music education. Intensive study of the history of music education in America from the Colonial period to present and philosophical discourse.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 510 - Analysis of Music Since 1900

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Fall
    Overview of techniques for the analysis of music post-1900. Evaluation of compositional techniques of major composers and musical works.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 511 - Musical Structure and Style

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Spring (odd years)
    A study of the forms and structure of music from 1750 to current, including the influence of form on interpretation.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 512 - Choral Conducting I

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Fall (even years)
    Applied studies in conducting a choral ensemble.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 513 - Instrumental Conducting I

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    Applied studies in conducting instrumental ensembles.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 514 - Survey of Choral Literature I

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Fall
    Survey of choral literature and composers from the Renaissance to 1750. Major choral works will be examined as well as performance practice of each style period. Explored literature will vary in difficulty, from beginning to professional ensembles.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 515 - The Christian Artist, Aesthetics, and Creativity

    Units: 1
    When Offered: Fall
    Seminar in thinking Christianly about the arts. Course will examine topics of artistry, aesthetics, and creativity in light of scripture and church history, synthesizing biblical and historical practice into contemporary musicianship.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 516 - Survey of Wind Band Literature

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Spring
    Survey of wind band literature, chamber to symphonic. Emphasis is placed on performance practice and major composers and works. Explored literature will vary in difficulty, from beginning to professional ensembles.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 517 - Theological Foundations of Worship I

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Summer
    A study of the biblical doctrines of God, humanity, sin, and Christ, and how they inform a theology of and for worship.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Fee: Additional fee
  • MUS 518 - Theology and History of Worship

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Fall
    This course examines key biblical passages and theological writings to develop a biblical theology of worship. Historical survey of the development and expression of worship in the church. Special emphasis placed on the writings of the Reformers, tracing the development of worship thought from the 16th century to current.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 519 - Foundations of Music Education II

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Spring
    Introduction to the sociological and psychological foundations of music education. Critical examination of sociological and psychological theories as they relate to music education, human learning and socio-cultural influences.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 520 - Orchestration

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Fall (odd years)
    Discussion, study, and analysis of orchestration techniques, including scoring for various instrumental and choral groupings.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 521 - Styles and Practices of Commercial Composition

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Fall (even years)
    Development of skills in composition and arranging for commercial ensembles, vocal and instrumental, and applications.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 522 - Choral Conducting II

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Spring (odd years)
    Continuation of MUS 512 - Choral Conducting I . Applied studies in conducting a choral ensemble with emphasis on literature of the Renaissance.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 523 - Instrumental Conducting II

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    Continuation of MUS 513 - Instrumental Conducting I . Advanced studies in instrumental conducting with emphasis on chamber ensembles.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 524 - Survey of Choral Literature II

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Spring
    Survey of choral literature and composers from 1750 to the present. Major choral works will be examined as well as performance practice of each style period. Explored literature will vary in difficulty, from beginning to professional ensembles.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 525 - Diction for Singers I

    Units: 1
    When Offered: Fall
    Development of correct pronunciation methods through language drills, recordings and reading of phonetic transcriptions of musical texts in choral/vocal literature. Encompasses proper diction for Latin, Italian, and Spanish choral/vocal literature.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Concurrent Requisite(s): MUS 581  
  • MUS 526 - Diction for Singers II

    Units: 1
    When Offered: Spring
    Development of correct pronunciation methods through language drills, recordings, and reading of phonetic transcriptions of musical texts in choral/vocal literature. Encompasses proper diction for English, German, and French solo song and choral literature.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Concurrent Requisite(s): MUS 581  
  • MUS 527 - Theological Foundations of Worship II

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Spring
    A study of the biblical doctrines of Christ’s atonement, salvation, Holy Spirit, the church and last things and how they inform a theology for and of worship.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Fee: Additional fee
  • MUS 528 - Liturgy and Worship Planning

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Spring
    This course studies the planning of corporate worship, incorporating musical, liturgical, and artistic elements. Technological tools and applications will be implemented in the teaching and worship plans developed throughout the course.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 532 - Choral Conducting III

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Fall (odd years)
    Continuation of MUS 522 - Choral Conducting II . Advanced studies in choral conducting with special emphasis in music of the Baroque and Classical eras.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 533 - Instrumental Conducting III

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    Continuation of MUS 523 - Instrumental Conducting II . Advanced studies in instrumental conducting with emphasis placed on symphonic conducting.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 535 - Music Literature

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Fall (odd years)
    A survey of music literature related to the student’s primary instrument of study from all musical style periods.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Fee: Additional instruction fee
  • MUS 537 - History of Church Music

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Fall
    Survey of music used in church and devotional settings from the 16th century to current. Course will also examine church music in non-Western cultures.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 538 - Musical Expression and Arts in Worship

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Fall
    An examination of the aesthetic components and properties of musical expression and the arts in worship. Writings of the Reformers will be examined to develop a Christian aesthetic for music and the arts and uses in worship.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 540 - Technology and Pedagogy for General Music

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Spring (even years)
    Students will discuss contemporary issues of interest to the general music teacher including the role of general music in the K-12 curriculum, best practices for the general music teacher, general choral and instrumental repertories, and resources available for the general music teacher. Students will also gain practical knowledge about the role of technology in the general music classroom including electronic music instruments, music production, music notation software, computer-assisted instruction, and multimedia for the general music classroom.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 541 - Technology for Music Teaching

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Spring
    This course explores the theoretical foundations and teaching music utilizing technology. The uses of technology in schools will be examined, including student interaction with technology, multimedia principles, and technologically driven music curricula.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 542 - Choral Conducting IV

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Springs (even years)
    Continuation of MUS 532 - Choral Conducting III . Advanced studies in choral conducting with a special emphasis on music of the Romantic and Contemporary eras. Recital preparation.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 543 - Instrumental Conducting IV

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    Continuation of MUS 533 - Instrumental Conducting III . Advanced studies in instrumental conducting with emphasis placed on wind ensemble conducting.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 544 - Composition Seminar

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Fall
    An intensive seminar on specific composers and compositional techniques. Topics will be announced in advance and drawn from the following: 20th century composers and theological perspectives; 20th century concertos; the music of Beethoven; 16th century sacred vocal music and other specialized topics related to composers and compositional techniques.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 547 - Contemporary Arranging

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Spring
    This course explores arranging music for vocal and instrumental ensembles using available technologies. Emphasis is placed on music in and for the church, including contemporary music and ensembles.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 549 - Technological Tools for Music Composition

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Fall
    An intensive seminar on the application of music technology to compositional techniques and products. Topics will be announced in advance and drawn from the following: Composing with DAW, Music engraving, Capturing and manipulating the recorded sound, and other specialized topics related to composers and compositional techniques.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 550 - Vocal Pedagogy

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Spring (even years)
    A study of the singing voice including anatomy and physiology culminating in proper vocal technique and application to solo vocal and/or choral literature. Teaching a student for half the semester is required.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 551 - Advanced Studies in Teaching Choral Music

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Spring
    Program development and inclusion of teaching materials and techniques for teaching choral music. Annotated choral repertory and rehearsal techniques and procedures will be covered.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 552 - Advanced Studies in Teaching General Music

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Spring
    Program development and inclusion of teaching materials and techniques for teaching general music.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 553 - Advanced Studies in Teaching Instrumental Music

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Spring
    Program development and inclusion of teaching materials and techniques for teaching instrumental music. Annotated instrumental repertory and rehearsal techniques and procedures will be covered.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 555 - Scoring for Film and Multimedia

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Spring (odd years)
    An exploration of musical and emotional affective techniques used by composers to create music film and multimedia. Highlights from film music history are used to inform the creation of student works for film and multimedia.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 557 - Worship Technology

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Summer
    Examines the critical components of worship technology including audio, visual, and lighting systems. Special emphasis given to hardware and software tools used in modern corporate worship.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Fee: Additional residency fee
  • MUS 558 - Conducting and Rehearsal Techniques

    Units: 1
    When Offered: Summer
    This course exposes the student to conducting techniques for choir and band. Emphasis will be placed on the planning and execution of musical ensemble rehearsals.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Fee: Additional fee
  • MUS 559 - Camerata

    Units: 1
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    Camerata is the most advanced, select mixed (SATB) choral ensemble open by audition from all academic disciplines. Repertoire for this ensemble focuses on music composed specifically for advanced level chamber choirs. Additionally, Camerata will join other choirs and Symphony Orchestra to perform extended works composed for large musical forces. Rehearsals seek to promote vocal development, musicianship training, team work, artistic expression, and spiritual reflection. Camerata is also a service organization which performs concerts for the California Baptist University community, in the local area, and in outreach and recruitment events.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a maximum of six (6) units
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 560 - University Choir and Orchestra

    Units: 1
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    University Choir and Orchestra is open by audition to all interested students. The group will rehearse and perform a variety of music. A concert tour at the end of the school year is required.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a maximum of six (6) units
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Fee: Additional uniform fee
  • MUS 561 - Magnolia Singers

    Units: 1
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    Magnolia Singers is open by audition to all interested students. The group will rehearse and perform a variety of advanced music for soprano/alto voices and combine with other choirs to form the Worship Collective. The group will concertize throughout the traditional academic year.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a maximum of six (6) units
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Fee: Additional uniform fee
  • MUS 562 - Lancer Chorus

    Units: 1
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    Lancer Chorus is open by audition to all interested students. The group will rehearse and perform a variety of music for tenor/bass voices and combine with other choirs to form the Worship Collective. The group will concertize throughout the traditional academic year.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a maximum of six (6) units
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Fee: Additional uniform fee
  • MUS 563 - Chamber Singers

    Units: 1
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    Chamber Singers gives experience in preparation and performance of recognized and new choral works as well as masterworks of Western music written for small choral ensembles.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for credit
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 564 - Rhapsody

    Units: 1
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    This choral ensemble will rehearse and perform a variety of music for soprano/alto voices. The group will concertize throughout the traditional academic year. Open by audition to all interested students.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a maximum of six (6) units
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Fee: Additional uniform fee
  • MUS 565 - Chamber Ensemble

    Units: 1
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    Chamber Ensemble provides opportunities for preparation and performance of small ensemble repertoire. Ensembles rehearse weekly, are provided coaching, and present performances of the music studied. The course is open to all music majors and to non-music majors by instructor permission.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for credit
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Concurrent Requisite(s): MUS 580 -588  
  • MUS 566 - Jazz Ensemble

    Units: 1
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    Jazz Ensemble provides musicians with opportunities to learn a variety of jazz styles in a “big band” setting, as well as to enhance individual improvisational skills. This course also provides practical experience through rehearsals and performances. It is open to qualified students by audition or instructor’s consent.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a maximum of four (4) units
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Concurrent Requisite(s): MUS 580 -588  
  • MUS 567 - Wind Ensemble

    Units: 1
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    A select concert band comprised of the finest woodwind, brass, and percussion students at the University, performing both standard and emerging repertoire for winds at a high artistic level. Open to qualified students by audition. Members of the ensemble are expected to demonstrate outstanding skill and musicianship through individual practice with refinement in ensemble rehearsal.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for credit
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Fee: Additional uniform fee
    Concurrent Requisite(s): MUS 580 -588  
  • MUS 568 - Concert Choir

    Units: 1
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    The Concert Choir gives a public performance of a diverse cross-section of choral art music, including major works, each semester.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a maximum of six (6) units
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 569 - Symphony Orchestra

    Units: 1
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    Symphony Orchestra is open by audition to all qualified students. The group will rehearse and perform the finest examples of orchestral literature, ranging from the 18th century to the present.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a maximum of six (6) units
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Fee: Additional uniform fee
    Concurrent Requisite(s): MUS 580 -588  
  • MUS 570 - Graduate Pedagogy

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Fall (even years)
    Graduate Pedagogy is an exploration of the teaching of instrumental and/or vocal rudiments, technique and musicianship aimed at students at elementary, intermediate and advanced levels. This course will include an examination of teaching methods and materials, as well as teaching techniques. Composer collections, methodology and graded repertoire by composers will be presented. Also included in this course are the practical issues of running a private studio.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 571 - Seminar in Choral Pedagogy

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Spring (even years)
    Students survey repertories and techniques appropriate for elementary, secondary, community and church choirs. Students also examine important issues such as the role of technology in the choral setting, best practices for choral programs, rehearsal strategies, and vocal techniques and development.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 572 - Seminar in Instrumental Pedagogy

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Spring (even years)
    Students survey methods books and repertoire appropriate for elementary, middle school, and high school settings, and study beginning and intermediate media instrumental development in schools, communities, and churches. Students will also examine important issues such as the role of technology in instrumental music; best practices for instrumental techniques, development, and maintenance.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Fee: Additional instruction fee
  • MUS 574 - Worship Ministry Practicum

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Summer
    A summer residency course that incorporates skill-based training in areas such as worship leadership, directing vocal teams, worship band methods, song writing, and arranging for worship.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 575 - Private Lessons in Music Composition

    Units: 1-2
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    This course is intended to provide students individual instruction in music composition. Students compose works in preparation for their Graduate Composition recital. Attendance at the semi-monthly Graduate Composers’ Forum is also required.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a maximum of twelve (12) units
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Fee: Additional private Instruction fee
  • MUS 576 - Symphonic Band

    Units: 1
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    An inclusive concert band designed to provide instrumental experience and growth through rehearsal and public performance. Open to qualified students by audition or instructor’s consent.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for credit
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Fee: Additional uniform fee
    Concurrent Requisite(s): MUS 580 -588  
  • MUS 577 - Leadership for Worship Ministry I

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Summer
    This course emphasizes the necessary self-reflective and interpersonal skills needed for success in worship ministry. Special emphasis will be given on the worship pastor/senior pastor relationship and the leadership of volunteer teams.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Fee: Additional residency fee
  • MUS 578 - Leadership for Worship Ministry II

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Summer
    This course continues to develop the necessary self-reflective and interpersonal skills needed for success in worship ministry. Special emphasis will be given to the worship pastor/senior pastor relationship and the leadership of volunteer teams.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Fee: Additional residency fee
  • MUS 580 - Applied Instruction

    Units: 1-2
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    Applied instruction is offered with material and performance of increasing difficulty as the student develops. Students must arrange instruction time with the full-time faculty member in charge during the first week of classes. A minimum of 12 lessons and performance at a faculty jury exam are required.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Fee: Additional private Instruction fee
  • MUS 581 - Applied Instruction: Voice

    Units: 1-2
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    Applied instruction in voice is offered with material and performance of increasing difficulty as the student develops. Students must arrange instruction time with the full-time faculty member in charge during the first week of classes. A minimum of 12 lessons and performance at a faculty jury exam are required.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Fee: Additional private Instruction fee
  • MUS 582 - Applied Instruction: Piano

    Units: 1-2
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    Applied instruction in piano is offered with material and performance of increasing difficulty as the student develops. Students must arrange instruction time with the full-time faculty member in charge during the first week of classes. A minimum of 12 lessons and performance at a faculty jury exam are required.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a maximum of twelve (12) units
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Fee: Additional private Instruction fee
  • MUS 583 - Applied Instruction: Organ

    Units: 1-2
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    Applied instruction in organ is offered with material and performance of increasing difficulty as the student develops. Students must arrange instruction time with the full-time faculty member in charge during the first week of classes. A minimum of 12 lessons and performance at a faculty jury exam are required.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a maximum of twelve (12) units
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Fee: Additional private Instruction fee
  • MUS 584 - Applied Instruction: Woodwinds

    Units: 1-2
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    Applied instruction in woodwinds is offered with material and performance of increasing difficulty as the student develops. Students must arrange instruction time with the full-time faculty member in charge during the first week of classes. A minimum of 12 lessons and performance at a faculty jury exam are required.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a maximum of twelve (12) units
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Fee: Additional private Instruction fee
  • MUS 585 - Applied Instruction: Brass

    Units: 1-2
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    Applied instruction in brass is offered with material and performance of increasing difficulty as the student develops. Students must arrange instruction time with the full-time faculty member in charge during the first week of classes. A minimum of 12 lessons and performance at a faculty jury exam are required.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a maximum of twelve (12) units
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Fee: Additional private Instruction fee
  • MUS 586 - Applied Instruction: Strings

    Units: 1-2
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    Applied instruction in strings is offered with material and performance of increasing difficulty as the student develops. Students must arrange instruction time with the full-time faculty member in charge during the first week of classes. A minimum of 12 lessons and performance at a faculty jury exam are required.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a maximum of twelve (12) units
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Fee: Additional private Instruction fee
  • MUS 587 - Applied Instruction: Percussion

    Units: 1-2
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    Applied instruction in percussion is offered with material and performance of increasing difficulty as the student develops. Students must arrange instruction time with the full-time faculty member in charge during the first week of classes. A minimum of 12 lessons and performance at a faculty jury exam are required.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a maximum of twelve (12) units
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Fee: Additional private Instruction fee
  • MUS 588 - Applied Instruction: Guitar

    Units: 1-2
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    Applied instruction in guitar is offered with material and performance of increasing difficulty as the student develops. Students must arrange instruction time with the full-time faculty member in charge during the first week of classes. A minimum of 12 lessons and performance at a faculty jury exam are required.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a maximum of twelve (12) units
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Fee: Additional private Instruction fee
  • MUS 592 - Music Education Thesis

    Units: 1
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    Students must write, design, and conduct an original research project approved by a supervisory committee culminating in a thesis. Additionally, students must also pass an oral examination and defense of the thesis.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of the Dean
  • MUS 593 - Instrumental or Vocal Recital II

    Units: 1
    When Offered: Spring
    Performance of repertoire learned while the student is in residence for the degree. Recital includes a lecture of research related to a performance or musicology topic of performed literature. A major paper will be produced related to research conducted for the performance.
    Grade Type: Pass/Fail
  • MUS 594 - Worship Project

    Units: 1
    When Offered: Spring
    A practical ministry project that synthesizes worship studies coursework. Students will work with faculty to develop and design a project that incorporates biblical, historical, theological, and music in the creation of a worship experience.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • MUS 595 - Capstone Project in Music Composition

    Units: 1
    When Offered: Fall, Spring
    Presentation of original compositions and arrangements created while the student is in residence for the degree is presented in a public recital. A portfolio of original compositions and arrangements will be presented to a graduate committee for approval.
    Grade Type: Pass/Fail
    Fee: Additional recital fee
    Prerequisite(s): Permission of the Dean
  • MUS 596 - Instrumental or Vocal Recital I

    Units: 1
    When Offered: Spring
    Performance of repertoire learned while the student is in residence for the degree. Recital approval and performance guidelines are available from the School of Music graduate office and applied instructor.
    Grade Type: Pass/Fail

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