2020-2021 Graduate Catalog 
    Sep 27, 2024  
2020-2021 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Organizational Leadership

  • ORG 520 - Leading Change in Faith-Based Organizations

    Units: 3
    When Offered: OPS
    This course will analyze the most common theories of organizational change with the intent of applying these principles in faith-based organizations and other professional environments where Christians serve in leadership. Case studies will be utilized to help students develop an understanding of the process of leading change. Special attention will be given to the underlying causes of interpersonal and organizational conflict connected to change or other causal factors. Students will be equipped with proven strategies for moving people and organizations through biblical principles and processes of conflict resolution. 
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • ORG 523 - Organizational Communication

    Units: 3
    When Offered: OPS
    Explores the breadth of communication tools available to organizational leaders for instituting change, perception, and organizational growth. Examines and evaluates communication in a variety of formats, including dyadic, small group, formal and informal communication. Collaboration strategies and their results are examined as an influence on group dynamics.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • ORG 530 - Communication with Purpose

    Units: 3
    When Offered: OPS
    This class is designed for students to understand the dynamics of interpersonal and organizational communication. Special attention will be given to the concepts and skills related to casting vision, inspiring confidence, and engendering motivation. This class will analyze historical examples of inspiration and provide practical applications of the skill of persuasion. Students will also examine principles and practices of listening and its impact upon leading others. The student will develop an ongoing strategy for various levels of interpersonal communication including the traditional, digital, and social media channels and tools.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • ORG 534 - Leadership Across Cultures

    Units: 3
    When Offered: OPS
    Examines the social, cultural, and historical influences on leadership in a global society. Aspects of social forces, dynamics, and historical contexts that influence human experience will be explored. National, corporate, community, and group organizations are examined for evidence of culturally influenced worldviews and values and how they impact the workplace.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • ORG 545 - Leading Organizational Change

    Units: 3
    When Offered: OPS
    Investigates concepts and practical techniques of organizational design and change. Emphasizes change management includes factors in transitioning individuals, teams, and organizations to a desired future state. Explores the leader’s role in creating and preventing change, and strategies for coping with resistance will also be studied.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • ORG 550 - Emotional Intelligence and Organizational Culture

    Units: 3
    When Offered: OPS
    This course will review relevant biblical passages connected to leading effectively in a faith community and in the world, from the standpoints of both relational health and productive co-laboring. Students will analyze and synthesize historical and contemporary literature connected to emotional intelligence with and explore how to apply these principles in various organizational settings. Attention will also be given to understanding organizational culture. At a personal level, the student will gain self-understanding and self-awareness through various instruments that will provide normative descriptions of personality styles and traits. Special attention will be given to the development of a personal strategy for growth in relational intelligence at an individual and community level.   
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • ORG 556 - Practical Financial Management

    Units: 3
    When Offered: OPS
    Develops a practical understanding of how to use financial data to inform leaders in making effective decisions to carry out the mission and goals of an organization. Emphasizes understanding the role of balance sheets, cash flow, and income statements to identify drivers of financial performance and resource allocation. Case studies are utilized to provide real-world application to concepts learned.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • ORG 567 - Managing Human Capital

    Units: 3
    When Offered: OPS
    Emphasizes the strategic role of human resources in performing functions of recruitment, hiring, training, career development and other contemporary processes within the organizational setting. Serves as an introduction to the areas of compensation, collective bargaining, affirmative action and other regulatory procedures and requirements as they relate to applications within organizations.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • ORG 578 - Legal, Ethical, and Public Policy Issues

    Units: 3
    When Offered: OPS
    Explores the philosophical concepts behind the construct of worldview, and its control over value formation, moral, and ethical decision-making. Reviews court cases and data surrounding the intersection of legal and ethical choices made by leaders will be studied. Examines the issues that shape public policy at the local, state and federal level and the ethical dilemmas policy makers face.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • ORG 580 - Organizational Health and Institutional Revitalization

    Units: 3
    When Offered: OPS
    This course will provide an overview of key issues that move organizations toward greater health. Students will analyze the common contributing factors to institutional decline and evaluate proposed solutions based on various models of recovery. Special attention is given to outwardly focused endeavors used in those institutions that have become true models of revitalization. The course also focuses in specific detail on some of the more nuanced issues of leadership at faith-based organizations, such as intentionality, discipleship, community engagement, and a review of conflict and change issues. 
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • ORG 589 - Strategic Management

    Units: 3
    When Offered: OPS
    Examines the strategic planning process including formulation, implementation, and control. Provides a framework for identifying vision, core values, goals, and competitive advantage for the organization. Explores various organizational strategies from for-profit and non-profit enterprises. Develops an understanding of how to create strategic options by synthesizing various strategies.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • ORG 591 - Organizational Leadership Innovation Project

    Units: 3
    When Offered: OPS
    Provides an opportunity to synthesize the knowledge and skills learned throughout the program, and to develop an innovative, comprehensive project. May include, but is not limited to, a guided project, designing a new organization, analyzing an existing major organizational problem and recommending solutions, etc.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • ORG 710 - New Era Organizations

    Units: 4
    When Offered: OPS
    This course prepares learners for the program by studying essential research-based theories on administration and management leading up to contemporary ones. Emphasis is on reviewing current and emerging organizational theories and concepts, business ethics, organizational change, talent development, and social responsibility, and developing and articulating a personal philosophy related to managing change in new era organizations. The theories and concepts reviewed will serve as a foundation for scholarly thought within the program.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • ORG 715 - Organizational Change, Ethics, and Human Behavior

    Units: 4
    When Offered: OPS
    This course investigates strategies for promoting sustainable organizations by studying individual and group behavior within organizational settings. Key course concepts focus on organizational infrastructure, motivational strategies, ethical strategies, and leading change. Theories and frameworks studied are foundational principles of the program. This course also examines principles for leveraging conflict management strategies to promote positive organizational relationships and ethical outcomes.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): ORG 710 
  • ORG 720 - Organizational Communication

    Units: 4
    When Offered: OPS
    This course examines effective principles of communication critical for effectiveness within diverse organizations. Principles focus on opportunities for administrators to reflect on their own communication style and examine the components of effective communication strategies. Students will address the challenges inherent to effective communication present in today’s multicultural, multilingual work environments. Students will apply strategies for addressing routine and unexpected organizational communication challenges and situations.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): ORG 715 
  • ORG 725 - Human Resource Management

    Units: 4
    When Offered: OPS
    This course examines the processes an organization uses to attract, retain, motivate and develop the best people for their jobs. Concepts of study include organizational recruitment, retention, engagement, evaluation, identification and development of high potential employees, succession planning, and employee development from the perspective of the organization’s innovators and talent management professionals.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): ORG 720 
  • ORG 730 - Leveraging Culture and Diversity

    Units: 4
    When Offered: OPS
    This course prepares administrators for gaining insight into identifying the barriers that exist within organizations that mitigate opportunities for diversity and inclusion. Students will survey the effects of culture on administrative strategies and actions, and policies and procedures. They will analyze strategies for leveraging diversity to promote greater organizational inclusivity and productivity. Ethical considerations and motivation for diversity are emphasized.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): ORG 725 
  • ORG 740 - Strategy, Planning, and Change

    Units: 4
    When Offered: OPS
    This course focuses on the development of knowledge and skills needed to maintain competitive advantage and sustainability in today’s dynamic organizations. Special attention will be on the analysis and application of strategic approaches to overcoming barriers for organizational optimization, as well as methods for planning and driving support needed for implementation of change objectives that support the organization’s mission.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): ORG 730 
  • ORG 750 - Evidence-Based Decision Making and Innovation

    Units: 4
    When Offered: OPS
    In this course students will examine techniques and strategies that promote strategic data-driven decision making for effective administration and fostering innovative behaviors. Models for collecting, analyzing, and using organizational data effectively will be evaluated, and tactics for enhancing both collective and individualistic decision-making will be examined. Students will survey and assess models utilizing data to support innovation strategies, as well as develop strategies for presenting data to promote innovative-driven decision making at all levels of the organization. The course will develop students’ skills in three areas: acquiring data, analyzing data to make predictions, and presenting the results of analysis to diverse stakeholder populations.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): ORG 740 
  • ORG 760 - Data Analysis and Interpretation

    Units: 4
    When Offered: OPS
    The purpose of this course is to introduce the principles and methods for descriptive and inferential statistics. The course will focus on understanding how descriptive and inferential calculations can be applied to effectively interpret data. Descriptive analysis covered will include measures of central tendency, variability, relationships, basic distributions. Inferential analysis covered includes chi-square, ANOVA, regression; the analysis of variance covariance, and multivariate data. Students will be required to utilize statistical software.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): ORG 750 
  • ORG 770 - Quantitative Research Methods

    Units: 4
    When Offered: OPS
    The purpose of this course is to present an examination of quantitative methods and designs that are utilized in the study of organizational administration and behavior. Areas of focus include measurement, sampling, and design issues in generating and testing research questions. Experimental, quasi-experimental, and survey research designs are assessed and applied.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): ORG 760 
  • ORG 775 - Qualitative Research Methods

    Units: 4
    When Offered: OPS
    This course examines the theoretical foundations of qualitative research methods and techniques applied within the study of organizational administration and behavior. Students will be exposed to a wide array of research methods, design, measurement, analysis, and interpretation techniques that are crucial in descriptive research. Students will learn how to analyze human behavior, perceptions, and reactions as well as the meanings people give to their experiences.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): ORG 770 
  • ORG 780 - Research Design

    Units: 4
    When Offered: OPS
    The purpose of this course is to provide an introduction to the practice of research and research design. The course develops an understanding of the principles, processes and techniques used in social science research. Topics will include reading and evaluating dissertations, identification of quality research design criteria, development of quality hypothesis statements, and the effective use of descriptive statistics. Students will use this information to evaluate their own thinking about research questions and develop potential research design descriptions.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): ORG 775 
  • ORG 785 - Comprehensive Experience

    Units: 4
    When Offered: OPS
    This course examines the theoretical foundations of qualitative research methods and techniques applied within the study of organizational administration and behavior. Students will be exposed to a wide array of research methods, design, measurement, analysis, and interpretation techniques that are crucial in descriptive research. Students will learn how to analyze human behavior, perceptions, and reactions as well as the meanings people give to their experiences.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): ORG 780 
  • ORG 790 - Dissertation Experience

    Units: 4
    When Offered: OPS
    Students will be guided through the research process after completing the dissertation proposal. This will include the development and completion of the dissertation. Students will work with their dissertation advisors both individually and in small groups. During the final iteration students will defend their dissertation in a public oral examination open to all members of the University community. Although the defense is concerned primarily with the dissertation research and its interpretation, the examining committee may explore the student’s knowledge of areas relevant to the core of the dissertation problem. Students will finalize their dissertation manuscript for publication.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for credit
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): ORG 785 
  • ORG 798 - Dissertation Completion

    Units: 1
    When Offered: OPS
    Students who have successfully completed the final oral defense of their dissertation but were unable to complete required modifications to the dissertation manuscript within ORG 790 Dissertation Experience  are required to enroll in this course until a professional editor and the committee chair confirm their dissertation manuscript is complete and submitted for publication.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for a maximum of four (4) units
    Grade Type: Pass/Fail
    Prerequisite(s): ORG 790 

Physician Assistant Studies

  • PAS 501 - Human Anatomy and Physiology I

    Units: 4
    When Offered: Fall
    This course exposes students to the topography, internal structures and functions of the human body, with correlations to diagnostic modalities currently used by medical practitioners. Case studies illustrate the anatomical findings in classical clinical presentations. Pertinent biochemical principles are applied to cellular and sub-cellular structures and processes which impact health and disease. A systems and inter-systems approach are reinforced in guided labs.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • PAS 502 - Human Anatomy and Physiology II

    Units: 4
    When Offered: Spring
    This course further exposes students to the topography, internal structures and functions of the human body, with correlations to diagnostic modalities currently used by medical practitioners. Case studies illustrate the anatomical findings in classical clinical presentations. Pertinent biochemical principles are applied to cellular and sub-cellular structures and processes which impact health and disease. A systems and inter-systems approach are reinforced in guided labs.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): PAS 501, 503, 505, 506, 507, 508, 510, 520, 522, and 535 
  • PAS 503 - Research Methodology I

    Units: 1
    When Offered: Fall
    This course exposes students to methods used in research. Students will become familiar with common tools used in research. In addition, students will explore and appraise the research process, types of research, sampling and generalizability, reliability and validity, research design, methods of measurement, data collection, and statistical analysis. Students will search the internet and critique peer-reviewed medical literature, with culmination of an article analysis.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • PAS 504 - Research Methodology II

    Units: 1.5
    When Offered: Spring
    This course exposes students to methods used in medical research and evaluation of the reliability of findings. Students will make recommendations which could improve the research process. In addition, students will appraise the essential requirements for a research paper and discuss the AMA paper format. The course will culminate in a critical analysis of peer-reviewed literature, using concepts taught in the class.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): PAS 501, 503, 505, 506, 507, 508, 510, 520, 522, and 535 
  • PAS 505 - Health Care Ethics

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Fall
    This course exposes students to legal and ethical issues faced in medical practice. Through assigned readings, reflection, application, and class discussions, students will explore approaches that facilitate thinking through the complexities of ethical issues in clinical practice. Representative opinions on death and dying decisions, informed consent, decisional capacity, cultural and religious beliefs, euthanasia and assisted suicide, genetic screening, and the use of humans in clinical research will provide opportunities for thoughtful debate and analysis.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • PAS 506 - Medical Microbiology

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Fall
    This course exposes students to the role of microorganisms in infectious diseases, in preparation for advanced coursework in pharmacology, pathophysiology and clinical medicine. Students will appraise the mechanisms of microbial pathogenicity associated with specific infectious diseases, in relation to bacteria, fungi, parasites, mycoplasmas, rickettsias, chlamydias, spirochetes, vibrios, and viruses.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • PAS 507 - Clinical Laboratory Science

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Fall
    This course exposes students to clinical considerations for laboratory tests based on patient presentation and clinical findings. An emphasis is placed on interpretation and clinical significance of commonly ordered laboratory tests. The course incorporates both observation and performance of selected laboratory testing procedures applicable to specialty and primary care settings.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • PAS 508 - Professional Practice and Policy I

    Units: 1
    When Offered: Fall
    This course exposes students to the history, development, and current status of the PA profession. Students explore the evolution of the PA profession, current and expected future practice trends, the PA’s role as part of the health care team, patterns of health care delivery, and political and legal factors that affect PA practice. Health care systems, billing, and patient privacy issues, ethical behavior, and professional responsibilities are emphasized.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • PAS 509 - Professional Practice and Policy II

    Units: 1
    When Offered: Spring
    This course exposes students to principles and practices that enhance patient safety, employment considerations, professional liability and risk management. In addition, the student will acquire knowledge and skills in resume writing, job search, interviewing strategies, contract negotiation, state licensure, networking, state practice requirements, credentialing, privileging, DEA certification, and supervisory agreements.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): PAS 501, 503, 505, 506, 507, 508, 510, 520, 522, and 535 
  • PAS 510 - History and Physical Examination I

    Units: 4
    When Offered: Fall
    This course exposes students to methods of patient evaluation. Students develop critical thinking, interviewing techniques, examination techniques, and proper equipment use. In addition, students appraise patient responses and culturally background. Students learn how to obtain a patient history, document information using the SOAP format, and use medical terminology. Assessment of the skin, head, neck, eyes, ears, nose, sinuses, oral cavity, chest & lungs, and nutrition are practiced in a lab setting.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • PAS 511 - History and Physical Examination II

    Units: 4
    When Offered: Spring
    This course further exposes physician assistant students to the techniques of obtaining a patient history, performing a physical examination, and formulating diagnoses. Students will develop skills in interviewing techniques, proper use of equipment, history taking, SOAP note writing, performing examinations, and correlating signs and symptoms with disease processes. In addition, students will undertake evaluation of the heart, the peripheral vascular system, the abdomen, the acutely ill patient, the male genitalia, and also perform patient write-ups.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): PAS 501, 503, 505, 506, 507, 508, 510, 520, 522, and 535 
  • PAS 512 - History and Physical Examination III

    Units: 4
    When Offered: Summer
    This course further exposes physician assistant students to the techniques of obtaining a patient history, performing a physical examination, and formulating diagnoses. Students will develop skills in interviewing techniques, proper use of equipment, history taking, SOAP note writing, performing examinations, and correlating signs and symptoms with disease processes. In addition, students will perform evaluation of the pediatric patient, musculoskeletal system, breast, pregnant female, nervous system and the geriatric patient. The practical culmination is the performance of a comprehensive physical examination.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): PAS 502, 504, 509, 511, 513, 521, 525, 530, and 532 
  • PAS 513 - Pathophysiology of Disease I

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Spring
    This course exposes students to the pathophysiology of disease and reviews relevant normal structure and function of human organ systems, followed by a study of pathophysiological mechanisms that underlie diseases related to the cardiovascular, blood, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, liver, exocrine pancreatic, renal, and male reproductive systems.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): PAS 501, 503, 505, 506, 507, 508, 510, 520, 522, and 535 
  • PAS 514 - Pathophysiology of Disease II

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Summer
    This course further exposes students to the pathophysiology of disease and reviews relevant normal structure and function of human organ systems, followed by a study of pathophysiological mechanisms that underlie diseases related the immunologic, rheumatologic, endocrine, nervous systems; infectious, and hematologic disease processes, as well as neoplasia.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): PAS 502, 504, 509, 511, 513, 521, 525, 530, and 532 
  • PAS 520 - Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics I

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Fall
    This course exposes students to the principles of pharmacology and the application of pharmacotherapeutics. Students are introduced to the rational use of drugs for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases encountered in the clinical care setting. Essentials of pharmacotherapeutics, pharmacodynamics and applicable biomechanisms are applied to the care and treatment of pediatric, adult and geriatric patients. Application of concepts are demonstrated through case presentations.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • PAS 521 - Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics II

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Spring
    This course further exposes students to the principles of pharmacology and the application of pharmacotherapeutics. Students are introduced to the rational use of drugs for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of diseases encountered in the clinical care setting. Essentials of pharmacotherapeutics, pharmacodynamics and applicable biomechanisms are applied to the care and treatment of pediatric, adult and geriatric patients. Application of concepts are demonstrated through case presentations.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): PAS 501, 503, 505, 506, 507, 508, 510, 520, 522, and 535 
  • PAS 522 - Medical Genetics

    Units: 1.5
    When Offered: Fall
    This course exposes students to the basic principles of heredity (including cytogenetics, molecular, and mendelian genetics) and the processes that lead to genetic variability in humans. Through a few select genetic disorders, students will become aware of their genetic causes, genetic testing, clinical manifestations of genetic diseases, as well as physical, psychological and social impacts of these disorders on patients. Students attend workshop sessions to solve genetic problems.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • PAS 523 - Health Promotion, Disease Prevention, and Epidemiology

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Summer
    The course exposes students to strategies for fostering a provider-patient partnership, and tools for effectively communicating healthy lifestyles. Students will be presented with current information about various conditions commonly seen in the clinical setting. In addition, students will appraise benefits of prevention, barriers to preventive care, historical perspectives, shared decision-making, selectivity of ordering tests, and improving the delivery of preventive clinical services. Particular attention will be paid to Healthy People 2020.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): PAS 502, 504, 509, 511, 513, 521, 525, 530, and 532 
  • PAS 524 - Behavioral Medicine

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Summer
    This course exposes students to the psychological and social factors that influence human behavior. Students examine how behavior can be influenced by illness, leading at times to poor coping skills, and physical and mental manifestations. In addition, students will explore development through the life cycle, sleep, sexuality, violence, reaction to illness and learn how to take a proper mental health history and perform a Mini-Mental Status Examination.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): PAS 502, 504, 509, 511, 513, 521, 525, 530, and 532 
  • PAS 525 - Clinical Skills and Procedures I

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Spring
    This course exposes students to practical approaches in the management of medical and surgical conditions. Students perform procedures including prescription writing, aseptic techniques, surgical protocol, venipuncture, intravenous catheterization, suturing techniques, incision and drainage, splinting and casting, oral screening, oral case presentation, and dermatologic procedures.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): PAS 501, 503, 505, 506, 507, 508, 510, 520, 522, and 535 
  • PAS 526 - Clinical Skills and Procedures II

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Summer
    This course exposes students to practical approaches in the management of medical and surgical conditions. Students perform procedures including radiology, lung and heart sounds, bladder catheterization, nasogastric tube placement, joint access, steroid therapy, anesthesia techniques, BLS, ACLS, and miscellaneous urgent care/primary care procedures. In addition, students will take a PACKRAT and an OSCE exam.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): PAS 502, 504, 509, 511, 513, 521, 525, 530, and 532 
  • PAS 530 - Clinical Medicine I

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Spring
    This course exposes students to common medical and surgical disorders encountered in general adult medicine. Students will appraise typical clinical presentation, etiology, pathophysiology, diagnostic work-up, and management of these disorders. A correlational approach, and interaction with physical diagnosis, pharmacology, and clinical diagnostics of the head, eyes, ears, nose, throat, heart, and lungs will be incorporated.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): PAS 501, 503, 505, 506, 507, 508, 510, 520, 522, and 535 
  • PAS 531 - Clinical Medicine II

    Units: 4
    When Offered: Spring
    This course further exposes students to common medical and surgical disorders encountered in general adult medicine. Students will appraise typical clinical presentation, etiology, pathophysiology, diagnostic work-up, and management of these disorders. A correlational approach, and interaction with physical diagnosis, pharmacology, and clinical diagnostics of the gastrointestinal, renal, musculoskeletal, endocrine, infectious diseases, nutrition, metabolic disorders, rheumatology, and fluids, electrolytes and acid-base disorders will be incorporated.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): PAS 501, 503, 505, 506, 507, 508, 510, 520, 522, and 535 
  • PAS 532 - Clinical Medicine III

    Units: 4
    When Offered: Summer
    This course further exposes students to common medical and surgical disorders encountered in general adult medicine. Students will appraise typical clinical presentation, etiology, pathophysiology, diagnostic work-up, and management of these disorders. A correlational approach, and interaction with physical diagnosis, pharmacology, and clinical diagnostics in dermatology, neurology, infectious diseases, sexually transmitted diseases, oncology/hematology and coagulation disorders, psychiatric disorders, family violence and abuse, rehabilitative medicine, end-of-life issues, and emergency medicine will be incorporated.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): PAS 502, 504, 509, 511, 513, 521, 525, 530, and 532 
  • PAS 533 - Clinical Medicine IV

    Units: 4
    When Offered: Summer
    This course exposes students to common medical and surgical disorders in the newborn, pediatric and adolescent populations. Students will review pertinent anatomic and pathophysiologic aspects of disease conditions, clinical presentation, physical findings, diagnostic work-up, diagnosis, formulation of treatment plans and referral. In addition, students will obtain knowledge pertinent to the physical and psychosocial development of patients in the newborn to adolescent age group and learn strategies for interviewing, performing evaluations, screening exams, and providing anticipatory guidance.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): PAS 502, 504, 509, 511, 513, 521, 525, 530, and 532 
  • PAS 534 - Women’s Health

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Summer
    This course exposes students to common conditions in caring for the adolescent, adult and elderly female. Students will appraise the etiology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation, diagnostic work-up, and management of these problems. Further, students will learn management techniques involved in pregnancy, fetal medicine, dysmenorrhea, iso-immunization, diabetes and hypertension in pregnancy, complications of pregnancy, labor and delivery, post-partum issues, sexually transmitted diseases, menstrual-endocrine abnormalities, reproductive life extremes, fertility regulation, disorders of pelvic support, ovarian, endometrial, cervical and vulvar neoplasia, and cancer.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): PAS 502, 504, 509, 511, 513, 521, 525, 530, and 532 
  • PAS 535 - Global Health Engagement

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Fall
    This course exposes students to major global health challenges relating to health and disease. Students will analyze recent and emerging health dilemmas, medical emergencies, effects of poverty and conflicts, health systems and disease prevention. In addition, students will explore strategies for acquiring cultural awareness and sensitivity, understanding the status of global health, and identifying opportunities for medical missions in overseas, and rural and medically under-served areas in the United States.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • PAS 601 - Family Medicine Clerkship

    Units: 5
    When Offered: As offered
    Provides practical clinical exposure opportunities for physician assistant students to expand, refine and integrate knowledge and skills in the area of primary care medicine. Students will engage in learning activities that include patient examination, diagnostic laboratory ordering and interpretation, pharmacotherapeutics, treatment modalities, patient referral, follow-up evaluation, case presentations, and patient history and findings documentation. In addition, students will continue to develop skills in clinical problem-solving, evidence-based medicine, inter-professional practice, and effective communication.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): PAS 512, 514, 523, 524, 526, 532, 533, and 534 
  • PAS 602 - Internal Medicine Clerkship

    Units: 5
    When Offered: As offered
    Provides practical clinical exposure opportunities for the physician assistant student to expand, refine and integrate knowledge and skills in internal medicine. Students will engage in learning activities that include patient examination, diagnostic laboratory ordering and interpretation, pharmacotherapeutics, treatment modalities, patient referral, follow-up evaluation, case presentations, and patient history and findings documentation. In addition, students will continue to develop skills in clinical problem-solving, evidence-based medicine, inter-professional practice, and effective communication.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): PAS 512, 514, 523, 524, 526, 532, 533, and 534 
  • PAS 603 - Emergency Medicine Clerkship

    Units: 5
    When Offered: As offered
    Provides practical clinical exposure opportunities for the physician assistant student to expand, refine and integrate knowledge and skills. Students will continue to develop skills in clinical problem-solving, evidence-based medicine, inter-professional practice, and effective communication. In addition, the student will expand didactic emergency medicine principles to clinical situations, and refine clinical psychomotor skills. Students will engage in learning activities that include patient examination, diagnostic laboratory ordering and interpretation, pharmacotherapeutics, treatment modalities.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): PAS 512, 514, 523, 524, 526, 532, 533, and 534 
  • PAS 604 - General Surgery Clerkship

    Units: 5
    When Offered: As offered
    Provides exposure to general and specific principles of evaluating and treating surgical patients, and expands on knowledge and concepts acquired during the didactic phase of the program through practical applications. Students will learn how to evaluate, diagnose, manage, and refer patients presenting with surgical conditions. In addition, students will perform pre-operative work-ups, post-operative documentation and care for patients, and will assist in the operating room as a member of a surgical team.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): PAS 512, 514, 523, 524, 526, 532, 533, and 534 
  • PAS 605 - Adolescent and Pediatric Medicine Clerkship

    Units: 5
    When Offered: As offered
    Focuses on general and specific principles of evaluating and treating patients in the pediatric and adolescent age groups of both gender, and expands on knowledge and concepts acquired during the didactic phase of the program through practical applications. Students will learn how to perform common pediatric treatment procedures, recognize developmental milestones and manage life-threatening conditions. In addition, students will perform drug dosage calculations, provide immunizations, and provide anticipatory guidance.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): PAS 512, 514, 523, 524, 526, 532, 533, and 534 
  • PAS 606 - Behavioral Medicine Clerkship

    Units: 5
    When Offered: As offered
    Provides practical clinical exposure opportunities for students to expand refine and integrate knowledge and skills in Behavioral Medicine/Psychiatry. Students will develop proficiency in patient history-taking, evaluation, diagnosis, and management of emotional and psychiatric conditions seen in the pediatric to geriatric populations, and in all genders. In addition, students will expand didactic psychiatric medicine principles to clinical situations.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): PAS 512, 514, 523, 524, 526, 532, 533, and 534 
  • PAS 607 - Women’s Health Clerkship

    Units: 5
    When Offered: As offered
    Reinforces and expands on knowledge and concepts acquired during the didactic phase of the program through practical applications. Students will develop proficiency in performing pelvic examinations, saline preps, KOH preps, specimen collection, and some minor surgical procedures such as abscess incision and drainage. In addition students will be involved in providing care for general female conditions, family planning, contraception, prenatal care, preventive education and health promotion related to issues in women’s health.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): PAS 512, 514, 523, 524, 526, 532, 533, and 534 
  • PAS 608 - Urgent Care Clerkship

    Units: 5
    When Offered: As offered
    Provides students with opportunities to engage in learning activities that include patient examination, diagnostic laboratory ordering and interpretation, pharmacotherapeutics, treatment modalities, patient referral, follow-up evaluation, case presentations, and patient history and findings documentation. In addition to gaining specific skills in the urgent care setting, the student will continue to develop skills in clinical problem-solving, evidence-based medicine, inter-professional practice, and effective communication.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): PAS 512, 514, 523, 524, 526, 532, 533, and 534 
  • PAS 609 - Elective Clerkship

    Units: 5
    When Offered: As offered
    Students gain additional or new clinical experience by returning to a previous clinical specialty or pursuing studies in another area of clinical interest. Students engage in activities that include patient examination, diagnostic laboratory ordering and interpretation, pharmacotherapeutics, treatment modalities, patient referral, follow-up evaluation, case presentations, and patient history and findings documentation. In addition, students will continue to develop skills in clinical problem-solving, evidence-based medicine and inter-professional practice.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): PAS 512, 514, 523, 524, 526, 532, 533, and 534 


  • PSY 500 - Diversity Issues in Counseling Psychology

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Summer & OPS
    Examination of the effects of therapeutic interventions on culturally distinct populations.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • PSY 501S - Professional Practice Seminar I

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Fall & OPS
    Emphasis on empathy training and the structure of the therapeutic process through a lecture/discussion/small group format. Students will videotape simulated sessions with one another. Meets two hours per week. Students will be assigned an on-going case.
    Grade Type: Pass/Fail
    Fee: Additional practice seminar fee (Traditional Grad only)
  • PSY 502S - Professional Practice Seminar II

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Spring & OPS
    Continuation of PSY 501S - Professional Practice Seminar I . Emphasis on various clinical and legal issues related to the practice of psychotherapy. Enables the student to develop the skills necessary to obtain a practicum placement.
    Grade Type: Pass/Fail
    Prerequisite(s): PSY 501S 
  • PSY 504 - Psychopathic Mind

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Spring
    This pro-seminar introduces students to the process and techniques of investigation and psychological profiling of serial murderers and serial rapists. Elective Course.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • PSY 505 - MFT Counseling Theory

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Fall & OPS
    The student is introduced to the theoretical foundations of Family Systems Theory, Behaviorism, Humanism, Existentialism, and Psychoanalytic Theory.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • PSY 510 - Human Growth and Development

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Fall & OPS
    A study of the developmental cycle of the human organism from a cognitive, psychological, sociological, and moral perspective. Emphasis is placed on theories and research related to child development.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • PSY 511 - Couples Therapy and Intimate Partner Violence

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Fall & OPS
    This course will address the principles and techniques of effective therapy with couples. Various couples treatment models will be described with a focus on applicability to different client needs in a variety of settings. Intimate partner violence detection, prevention, and treatment will be integrated into the treatment of couples.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • PSY 515 - Human Sexuality

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Summer & OPS
    Human sexuality focuses on the etiology, diagnosis and treatment of sexual dysfunction with an overview of physiology. It further examines the clinical, social and ethical issues in counseling persons with AIDS-related problems.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • PSY 520 - Human Communications in Group Process

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Spring & OPS
    Application of group treatment models to various forms of interpersonal communication.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • PSY 525 - MFT Counseling Techniques

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Spring & OPS
    Intervention techniques from a phenomenological, cognitive, behavioral and existential frame of reference.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • PSY 530 - Advanced Research Methodology

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Spring & OPS
    Theoretical and practical applications of research methods of psychotherapy.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): BEH 383 Statistical Techniques in Behavioral Science or equivalent
  • PSY 534 - Pre- or Post- Practicum

    Units: 1
    When Offered: Summer & OPS
    Supervised counseling experience in a professional setting. A required course either for students who begin counseling prior to  PSY 555 - Practicum I  OR needed to continue in practicum after completing PSY 570 - Practicum II .
    Grade Type: Pass/Fail
    Prerequisite(s): PSY 501S , 502S , 505 , 525 , and 560  
  • PSY 535 - Advanced Psychopathology

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Spring & OPS
    Nature and causes of reactions to social, biological and psychological stress, maladaptive development, and faulty learning. Includes an in-depth study of anxiety disorders, character personality, and the psychoses.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • PSY 536 - Community Mental Health Counseling

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Fall & OPS
    This course introduces the student to the contemporary context of community mental health settings. Course content emphasizes recovery-oriented treatment for severe mental illness, disaster and trauma response, services for victims of abuse, the homeless, foster care services, case management, client advocacy, in-home and in-school services, bilingual client services, professional collaboration and medical family therapy. This is an elective course for which students wishing to pursue licensure as a Professional Clinical Counselor in the State of California should register.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Pre- or Co- Requisite(s): PSY 535  
  • PSY 537 - Career Counseling

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Spring & OPS
    This course is designed to meet the professional training criteria of students within the field of Counseling Psychology and other helping professions to gain competency in the basic tenets of career counseling. This is an elective course for which students wishing to pursue licensure as a Professional Clinical Counselor in the State of California should register.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • PSY 540 - Psychodiagnostics

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Fall & OPS
    Applications of Intelligence Testing and Personality testing to diagnosis and treatment.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): BEH 383 - Statistical Techniques in Behavioral Science or equivalent
  • PSY 541 - Empirically-Based Approaches for Treating Adults with Severe Mental Illness

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Fall & OPS
    This course exposes students to empirically-based approaches for treating adults with severe mental illness. Students will gain an understanding of the history, goals, techniques, and research outcomes associated with interventions for adults with major depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, obsessive-compulsive disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and borderline personality disorder. A specific focus will be on empirically-based approaches for severe mental illness, including acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), mindfulness-based cognitive therapy (MBCT), and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT).
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • PSY 542 - Play Therapy for Special Populations

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Spring & OPS
    This course introduces the student to the major theoretical models of play therapy with an emphasis on special populations, including children experiencing grief and loss, children placed in foster care, and children who have been physically abused, sexually abused or neglected.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • PSY 543 - Evaluation and Treatment of Compulsive Disorders

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Summer & OPS
    This course offers an intensive study of the biopsychological mechanisms underlying compulsive behaviors. Focus includes eating disorders, sexual compulsions, gambling, and internet addiction. Evidence-based treatment approaches are identified and related to their impact on health, wellness, and recovery.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • PSY 544 - Standard of Care Approaches for Evaluating and Treating Children and Adolescents with Externalizing Disorders

    Units: 3
    When Offered: As offered & OPS
    This course exposes students to empirically based approaches for working with children and adolescents with externalizing disorders, including oppositional defiant disorder, conduct disorder, and intermittent explosive disorder. Students will explore the history, goals, techniques, and research outcomes associated with interventions for children and adolescents with externalizing disorders. A majority of the course will be focused on the collaborative problem solving (CPS) approach, multisystemic therapy (MST), parent-child interaction training (PCIT), and parent management training (PMT).
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • PSY 545 - MFT Counseling: Child and Adolescent

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Fall & OPS
    Processes of diagnosis, dynamics, and treatment of children and adolescents.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • PSY 550 - Practicum Forum

    Units: 0
    When Offered: As offered & OPS
    This course provides information about the process of securing a practicum training position. It also houses the necessary Board of Behavioral Sciences documents related to predegree training hours, and students are able to upload all documents in this forum for record-keeping purposes.
    Grade Type: Pass/Fail
    Prerequisite(s): PSY 501S, 502S, 505, 525, and 560 
  • PSY 555 - Practicum I

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Fall & OPS
    Supervised counseling experience in professional settings.
    Grade Type: Pass/Fail
    Fee: Additional testing fee
    Prerequisite(s): PSY 501S, 502S, 505, 525, and 560 
  • PSY 560 - Professional Ethics and Law

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Summer & OPS
    An examination and explanation of current laws and ethical issues affecting psychotherapists.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • PSY 570 - Practicum II

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Spring & OPS
    A continuation of PSY 555 - Practicum I .
    Grade Type: Pass/Fail
    Prerequisite(s): PSY 555 
  • PSY 576 - Practicum Continuation

    Units: 1
    When Offered: OPS
    Supervised counseling experience in a professional setting. A course for students completing required supervised practicum hours beyond those accrued in PSY 555 - Practicum I  and PSY 570 - Practicum II .
    Repeatable: May be repeated two (2) times for credit
    Grade Type: Pass/Fail
    Prerequisite(s): PSY 501S, 502S, 505, 525, and 560 
  • PSY 580 - Family Therapy I

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Fall & OPS
    An examination of the philosophical and theoretical suppositions of the major schools of family therapy. Emphasis on the historical and contemporary context of systems theory and family therapy.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • PSY 585 - Family Therapy II

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Spring & OPS
    Concentration on the therapeutic techniques of the various schools of family therapy discussed in Family Therapy I. Students are encouraged to develop specific family therapy skills through the use of videotape feedback, coaching, and classroom demonstration.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
    Prerequisite(s): PSY 580 
  • PSY 590 - Christian Perspective on Professional Counseling

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Summer & OPS
    Faculty and student dialogue on issues and topics related to the integration of Christianity and psychology.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • PSY 595 - Psychopharmacology

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Fall, Spring, & OPS
    This course is designed for the non-medical psychotherapist. The major categories of medication used in psychiatric intervention and issues related to consultation and collaboration with treatment teams, including medical staff, will be discussed.
    Grade Type: Pass/Fail
  • PSY 597A - Child Abuse and Neglect: Diagnosis and Treatment

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Fall, Spring, & OPS
    Examines the methods of assessment, reporting, and treatment of physical, sexual, and neglectful child abuse.
    Grade Type: Pass/Fail
  • PSY 597B - HIV and AIDS Counseling

    Units: 1
    When Offered: Summer & OPS
    This seminar examines the clinical, social and ethical issues in counseling persons with AIDS-related problems. In addition to the lecture/discussion format, opportunity for supervised role-playing may be provided.
    Grade Type: Pass/Fail
  • PSY 597C - Domestic Violence

    Units: 1
    When Offered: Summer & OPS
    Examines the characteristics and treatment of the perpetrators and victims of domestic violence.
    Grade Type: Pass/Fail
  • PSY 598A - Addictions Counseling

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer, & OPS
    This course provides the student with an overview of the addictive process, including substance dependency and behavioral compulsions. The course emphasizes the etiology of addiction, the systemic impact of co-occurring disorders, the standard of care treatment modalities, and concepts of resiliency and recovery.
    Grade Type: Pass/Fail
  • PSY 598B - Grief and Loss Counseling

    Units: 1
    When Offered: Spring & OPS
    This seminar explores the impact of grief and loss as it affects the individual and the family system. A lecture discussion format is utilized. Elective Course.
    Grade Type: Pass/Fail
  • PSY 598C - Aging and Mental Health

    Units: 2
    When Offered: Fall, Spring, & OPS
    This seminar addresses mental health issues in aging populations.
    Grade Type: Pass/Fail
  • PSY 599 - Special Topics

    Units: 1-3
    When Offered: As offered
    An in-depth seminar on a selected topic within Psychology.
    Repeatable: May be repeated for credit with change in topic
    Grade Type: Letter Grade
  • PSY 700 - Theories of Psychotherapy

    Units: 3
    When Offered: Fall
    This course focuses on the major theories of psychotherapy, including supporting research and newer, emerging models in the field. Psychodynamic, humanistic-existential, cognitive-behavioral, postmodern, and systems theories of personality and psychotherapy are explored, applying this understanding to the profession of clinical psychology. Students are exposed to the American Psychological Association’s specialty area in clinical psychology.
    Grade Type: Letter Grade

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