2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Mar 29, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Financial Aid

Mr. Joshua Morey
Senior Director of Financial Aid
Phone 951.343.4236
Toll Free 877.228.8855

The Purpose of Financial Aid

California Baptist University coordinates and provides financial assistance to students who may otherwise be unable to attend for financial reasons. Financial aid at California Baptist University is administered in accordance with federal, state, and institutional policies. Although every effort is made to provide assistance to as many students as possible, it is important students understand they and their family bear the principal responsibility for meeting educational costs. A federal application is used in determining eligibility for various types of financial aid, including federal, state, and institutional programs.

Various scholarships, grants, work programs, and loans are available for eligible students. These forms of financial assistance are categorized as follows: federal programs, state programs, institutional programs, and private scholarships. Specific information on each of these sources of financial aid is available on the Financial Aid section of the California Baptist University website.

Applying for Financial Aid

Students desiring to apply for federal, state, or need-based institutional aid are required to complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) each year. This form is available online at studentaid.gov. The Renewal FAFSA can also be done online at studentaid.gov. All applicants are required to create a FSA ID. A FSA ID gives students access to Federal Student Aid’s online systems and can serve as one’s legal signature.

Completion of the FAFSA will generate a FAFSA Submission Summary which is sent directly to the student by the federal government. This report provides information regarding the student’s Student Aid Index (SAI). The Financial Aid Office will receive the FAFSA information electronically provided that the student listed California Baptist University (school code 001125) on the FAFSA. Generally, the amount of financial aid offered is based on the financial need of the student as determined by the results of the FAFSA. Financial need is defined as the difference between the total cost of attending school (tuition, fees, room, board, books, supplies, and other allowable living expenses) and the Student Aid Index (SAI) as determined through the Federal Methodology Need Analysis. A student whose SAI exceeds the cost of attendance may still qualify for financial aid.

Requirements for Offer of Financial Aid

Financial aid funds are limited and are offered on a priority basis. Priority for the academic year will be given to students who are approved for admission and complete their financial aid file by May 2nd. A completed financial aid file consists of the following documents:

  • Results of the FAFSA.
  • If requested by the Financial Aid Office, prior year federal tax forms or transcripts from parents and students may be required. This is accompanied by a verification web form. Verification is processed electronically through the University’s Student Forms system on InsideCBU.
  • Any additional documents required by federal or state agencies.
  • All requested documents must be submitted as soon as possible, but no later than 14 days prior to the close of the term.

To qualify for a financial aid offer, undergraduate students must be enrolled in at least six (6) units of degree applicable coursework for half-time status, at least nine (9) units of degree applicable coursework for three-quarter time status, and at least twelve (12) units of degree applicable coursework for full-time status. If enrolled less than half time, students may still be eligible for a portion of their Federal Pell Grant.

Applicants for the Cal Grant programs must file a FAFSA; new applicants must also submit a GPA verification form no later than the deadline established by the California Student Aid Commission (March 2nd). New applicants who fail to meet this deadline each year are not eligible to receive a Cal Grant.

Applicants for the Dream Act must complete the Worksheet for California Dream Act by the May 2nd deadline. Additional documentation may be required. Please visit www.csac.ca.gov for details.

Students who are approved for admission and have completed their financial aid file after the priority deadline will still be considered for financial aid. However, options for preferred aid programs may be limited. The evaluation of a completed financial aid file will result in a Financial Aid Offer for eligible students.

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Financial Aid Offer

The Financial Aid Offer is issued to a student after all requested documents are submitted to the Financial Aid Office. Grants and scholarships will be accepted for the student, with the exception of Cal Grant B and Cal Grant B Access, or unless the Financial Aid Office is notified of the student’s decision to decline the aid. Acceptance of loan proceeds must be actively confirmed as outlined in the aid offer instructions before funds will be disbursed to the student’s account. Participant scholarship recipients may be required to sign a separate agreement before the scholarship will be disbursed.

Students are required to notify the Financial Aid Office of changes in financial, residency or academic status. Changes of this nature will be reviewed and adjustments may be made to the student’s Financial Aid Offer. Changes based on marital status may be allowed up to the first day of the academic year.

Students have the opportunity to have their financial aid decision reviewed and explained by their Financial Aid Counselor by requesting an appointment.


Generally, a student’s total financial aid offer is divided equally between the Fall and Spring semesters. Federal and state grants, institutional and private scholarships, and student loans will be credited directly to the student’s account. Direct loan funds, subsidized and unsubsidized, and Parent PLUS loan disbursements are sent directly to the University.

College seniors attending one semester during their last academic year (graduating early) or attending an additional semester (senior year totaling 3 semesters) are subject by federal regulations to have some sources of Financial Aid prorated based on federally mandated calculations.

Withdrawal from the University

Withdrawal from the University (all classes) during any period of enrollment, whether official or unofficial, may necessitate the return of federal financial aid.

Pursuant to federal regulations (CFR 668.22), a refund calculation will be performed to determine the amount, if any, of Title IV aid (Pell Grant, SEOG, Direct loans, Perkins loans) earned by the student for their attendance up to the date of withdrawal.

The withdrawal process begins with the completion of an official Petition to Withdraw form that is available in the Office of Admissions. Please refer to the Academic section of this catalog for further details of the process.

Unofficial withdrawals encompass those students who fail to initiate and/or complete the official withdrawal process as noted above.

If a student ceases to attend all classes without proper notification to the Office of Admissions or the Office of the University Registrar, the University will consider it an unofficial withdrawal and a refund calculation will be performed to determine the amount of Title IV aid earned and the amount to be returned to the Title IV programs. The student is responsible for any resulting balance owed to the University.

Order of return of Title IV funds

A school must return Title IV funds to the programs from which the student received aid during the payment period or period of enrollment as applicable, in the following order, up to the net amount disbursed from each source:

Unsubsidized Direct Loans (other than Direct PLUS Loans)
Subsidized Direct Loans
Direct PLUS Loans (parent or graduate)
Federal Pell Grants for which a return of Title IV funds is required
Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant, for which a return of Title IV funds is required
FSEOG for which a return of Title IV funds is required

All students who borrow federal student loans and cease at least half-time attendance at the University are required to complete exit counseling at www.studentloans.gov.

Satisfactory Academic Progress - Undergraduate Students

Federal regulations require California Baptist University to establish, publish, and apply standards of Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) for financial aid eligibility. The purpose of measuring and enforcing these standards is to ensure financial aid recipients’ progress towards graduation. Students who fail to meet the satisfactory academic progress requirements become ineligible to receive financial aid until they are in compliance with these requirements. To be eligible for financial aid, a student must be in good academic standing, making satisfactory progress toward the completion of a certificate or degree, within a maximum time frame. Students are evaluated annually following the Spring semester of the academic year to ensure the minimum standards are met. Students failing to meet the minimum standards will progress through the aid statuses defined as follows:

Financial Aid Suspension

Status assigned to a student who fails to make Satisfactory Academic Progress by the end of the academic year. The student is no longer eligible to receive financial aid. The student has the right to appeal the suspension. Aid is terminated until student’s written appeal is submitted and approved.

Financial Aid Probation

Status assigned to a student who received a Financial Aid Suspension and submitted an appeal which has been approved, allowing the student’s aid to be reinstated for a probationary term. The student must complete their probationary term successfully or their aid will be terminated.

It is the responsibility of the student to notify the Financial Aid Office of any status changes, grade changes, summer or winter term classes. If a student has a grade change or takes summer or winter term classes the student must notify the Financial Aid Office. Once the Financial Aid Office has been notified and the student has provided appropriate documentation, the Financial Aid Office can review and reassess the student’s financial aid eligibility and Satisfactory Academic Progress status. If a student proves to be meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress due to additional degree applicable classes or a grade change, the student will no longer be subject to SAP suspension and their financial aid will be reinstated. The Financial Aid Suspension status will become void for the term in these situations.

Measure of Progress

Qualitative Measure

Students must maintain a minimum cumulative grade-point average (GPA) of 2.0. GPA’s are reviewed at the end of the academic year. Students failing to achieve a minimum 2.0 GPA are given a Financial Aid Suspension status. The student is eligible to appeal the suspension.

If the appeal is approved, the student must continue to earn a minimum 2.0 session GPA to continue making satisfactory progress toward a cumulative 2.0 GPA. A 2.0 session GPA is the minimum standard measurement for continuing progress. The student will need to earn higher than 2.0 session GPA(s) to correct a deficiency.

Students on Financial Aid Probation failing to earn the minimum 2.0 session GPA will be returned to a Financial Aid Suspension status. The student will not be eligible to receive financial aid until the cumulative GPA is raised to a 2.0

Quantitative Measure

Student must successfully complete a minimum of 67 percent of units in which they enroll. Unit completion is reviewed at the end of the academic year.

Grades of F, W (Withdraw), and I (Incomplete), do not demonstrate satisfactory course completion. Challenge exams and audited courses are not considered. Transfer credit that has been officially accepted to complete program requirements will demonstrate satisfactory course completion for quantitative measure (unit requirement). All transfer credit received from other recognized entities will affect the 2.0 GPA qualitative measure requirement of Satisfactory Academic Progress.

Students initially failing to complete 67 percent of their enrolled cumulative units will be given a Financial Suspension. The student is eligible to appeal the suspension.

If the appeal is approved, the student is placed on Financial Aid Probation and must continue making satisfactory progress in each subsequent term according to a specific plan of action determined for the student to reach the minimum qualitative requirement of 67 percent. The student must complete all units attempted within the subsequent term with a minimum GPA of 2.0.

Students on Financial Aid Probation failing to achieve prescribed unit requirement plan in a subsequent term will be given a Financial Aid Suspension. The student will not be eligible to receive financial aid until the successful completion of 67 percent of enrolled unit requirement is achieved.

Maximum Time Frame Measure

Financial Aid recipients will no longer be eligible for aid upon reaching 150 percent of the number of credits needed to complete their degree.  The measurement includes all accepted transfer units as well as units completed at California Baptist University.  For example, if your published program length is 124 units, you will exceed the maximum time frame when you surpass 186 units.

Readmitting Students

A readmit student that does not have the minimum required GPA for their program will need to refer to the Satisfactory Academic Progress - Traditional Undergraduate Students, portion of this catalog. Students may need to submit a written appeal for approval of a term of Financial Aid Probation. Once the student’s written appeal is submitted and approved the student’s aid will be reinstated for the probationary term.

Withdrawals and Cancellations

Withdrawal from the semester after the first day of classes counts as a semester attended when determining overall maximum unit completion and minimum unit completion, unless the student drops all classes and does not receive W grades for the given semester. Cancellation of registration on or before the first day of classes does not count as a semester attended when determining maximum unit completion and minimum unit completion. Students must complete their exit counseling at www.studentloans.gov upon ceasing attendance between terms.

Repeated Courses

Financial aid will be given for the course in which a student has not received a passing grade. Once a student has passed the course, they may not receive financial aid to retake the course. Repetition of a passed course will not count toward the student’s enrollment status for financial aid purposes.

Concurrent Enrollment

Students attending California Baptist University and another college or university concurrently are eligible for aid at California Baptist University based on the coursework and GPA acquired at California Baptist University only.

Leave of Absence

If a student is approved for a Leave of Absence during the academic year, it is the student’s responsibility to meet with the financial aid office to adjust aid appropriately. If the student has borrowed Federal Direct Loans, repayment will begin after six months of less than half time enrollment. A student must complete exit counseling at www.studentloans.gov upon ceasing attendance between terms.

Unusual Enrollment History

The U.S. Department of Education has made efforts to prevent fraud and abuse in the Federal Pell Grant and Student Loan Program by identifying students with an unusual enrollment history (UEH). A UEH Flag indicates whether the student has an unusual enrollment history with regard to receiving Pell Grant funds and/or Direct Loans and is intended to address possible fraud and abuse in the Title IV student aid programs. ALL UEH flags must be reviewed by the University before a student can receive any Federal Student Aid. The University must review ALL UEH student’s official transcripts from all schools that they have attended over the past four years, and in some cases may go back further, before a student is cleared to receive any Federal Student Aid.

The specific enrollment pattern of concern to the U.S. Department of Education is where the student attends an institution long enough to receive Title IV credit balance funds, leaves without completing the enrollment period, enrolls at another institution, and repeats the pattern of remaining just long enough to collect another Title IV credit balance without having earned any academic credit.

Some students who have an unusual enrollment history have legitimate reasons for enrollment at multiple institutions. However, such an enrollment history requires a review to determine whether there are valid reasons for the unusual enrollment history.

Appeal Process

Before filing an appeal for reinstatement of financial aid, it is important that students seek assistance from a Student Success Coach to explore ways of eliminating unit deficiencies and to establish a realistic plan towards graduation. At the time of termination, the Financial Aid Office will provide the student with instructions on how to appeal. A copy of the appeal form can be obtained from the Financial Aid Office. When filing an appeal, the student must provide a full explanation, along with documentation, verifying the circumstances that led to the inability to meet the minimum progress requirements. It is important that a definite plan towards graduation is established. An Academic Success Plan should be completed with the assistance of a Student Success Coach and submitted along with the letter of appeal. Should the appeal be approved, it is important that the Academic Success Plan be realistic as the ability to adhere to the plan will be closely monitored. Failure to follow the courses and units outlined may be used as a basis for future denial of financial aid.

If the Appeal is Denied

Students that do not have their appeals approved will receive information regarding other alternatives available to them. Some options include:

  1. Continuing enrollment at California Baptist University without any financial assistance
  2. Continuing enrollment at California Baptist University with the assistance of private loans. The Financial Aid Office can provide the student with information on these loans.
  3. Taking a leave of absence from California Baptist University to make up a portion or all of the deficient units at a Community College. In this case a student will have to file an additional appeal to have aid reinstated once the student has completed the required units and demonstrated the ability to continue at California Baptist University without having incurred any additional deficiencies. The Financial Aid Office recommends that the student speak with Student Success Coach to ensure that any classes taken elsewhere will count towards the student’s program.

Institutional Financial Aid Programs for Online Students

Common Requirements for Institutional Programs

With regard to institutional financial assistance, the following common requirements have been established for all students enrolled in Online Programs of study:

  1. All scholarships are applied directly to a student’s account. No cash distributions are made directly to the scholarship recipient. Scholarships are not transferable to any student other than the recipient.
  2. In order to maintain aid eligibility, students receiving any financial aid must maintain satisfactory academic progress, as stated in this catalog.
  3. Institutional scholarships are limited and may not be awarded if all available funds have been appropriated.
  4. Students must submit all requested documents as soon as possible, but no later than two weeks prior to the end of each Fall semester, Spring semester, and Summer semester.
  5. All awards are based on full-time enrollment of twelve (12) units per semester or session. Students enrolled for less than twelve (12) units are eligible to receive aid, prorated accordingly.
  6. All institutional aid is tuition-based. If a student receives additional non-institutional tuition-based aid (such as Cal Grant), the amount of tuition-based aid may need to be reduced so the total tuition-based aid does not exceed the cost of tuition.

Institutional Financial Aid Programs for Traditional Undergraduate Students

Common Requirements for all Institutional Aid

  1. Students applying for institutional aid are encouraged to apply for other forms of grant-based aid available through federal and state programs.
  2. Institutional aid is applied to tuition, fees, and on-campus room and board charges only. Institutional aid consists of grants and scholarships from California Baptist University and is not to exceed the total cost of tuition, fees, and on-campus room and board.
  3. Institutional aid may not be applied to Aviation Lab Fees.
  4. Institutional aid is applied directly to a student’s account. No cash distributions are made directly to the recipients. Institutional aid is not transferable to students other than the recipient.
  5. Institutional aid recipients must maintain at least half-time enrollment in order to remain eligible. For financial aid purposes, half-time enrollment is defined as six (6) units.
  6. Institutional aid will be prorated based on the student’s enrollment status.
  7. University Residency Requirements apply to all students who receive institutional aid.  Please refer to the Student Handbook (section 81) for details.
  8. Students receiving institutional aid must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress as stated in this catalog. Students receiving participation scholarships may remain eligible at the discretion of the department.
  9. Institutional aid is coordinated and adjusted with other forms of aid and cannot exceed a student’s direct cost. If a student is a Cal Grant recipient, institutional aid cannot exceed the student’s calculated need per California Student Aid Commission policy.
  10. Institutional aid may not be applied to travel/study abroad programs conducted by the University. This does not include the field practicum requirement for Intercultural Studies.
  11. Students concurrently enrolled in other institutions are eligible for California Baptist University institutional aid based only on the units being taken at CBU.
  12. Institutional aid is awarded for the Fall and Spring Semesters only, unless otherwise indicated.
  13. Individual departments may award scholarships for Fall, Spring, or Summer. Eligibility requirements, semesters of availability and amount of aid offered is at the discretion of the department. Students receiving “tuition discount,” through their Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) cannot get other institutional aid. Students can only receive the MOU or institutional aid, whichever is greater.
  14. Students participating in an NCAA sponsored sport and receiving athletically related aid are ineligible for all other sources of Institutional Aid, with the exception of the following: Merit Scholarships, CBU Grant, Yellow Ribbon, and ROTC Room and Board.

Academic Scholarships - Traditional Programs

Merit Scholarships

Award amounts are listed for students enrolling for the first time at California Baptist University. Merit scholarship policy is established and approved at the highest administrative levels of the University and the scholarships are awarded yearly by entering class. Please note a merit scholarship will never increase for a current student based upon an increased grade point average or increased scholarship amounts of a new entering class. A merit scholarship will remain the same for the student’s entire time at the University, provided minimum GPA requirements are met. 

Please note: Students are subject to the scholarship policies as outlined in the catalog of the year in which they entered CBU. Students taking a leave of absence from CBU will be subject to their original catalog scholarship policies upon reentering the University. Exceptions to this clause are at the sole discretion of the University.

Merit scholarships fall into two categories:

  • First Time Freshman
  • Transfer Student

New students are considered first time freshmen if they have under 24 college units from an accredited college or university recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and/or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.

New students are considered transfer students if they have completed 24 or more units from an accredited college or university recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and/or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.

First Time Freshman Merit Scholarships

First Time Freshman Merit Scholarships are awarded based on the student’s final high school cumulative weighted GPA. Students are placed into one of four Merit Scholarship Tiers:

  • Trustee’s Scholarship      ($17,000)     4.0 GPA and above
  • President’s Scholarship   ($16,000)     3.9 - 3.99 GPA
  • Dean’s Scholarship         ($15,000)      3.3 - 3.89 GPA
  • ​Director’s Scholarship     ($13,000)        2.95 - 3.29 GPA


  • Potential recipients must submit final official high school transcripts to the Undergraduate Admissions Office.
  • Students must complete a FAFSA and submit all requested financial aid paperwork to the Financial Aid Office should they wish to be considered for need-based sources of financial aid.

Director’s Scholarship


  • The Director’s Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship designed to attract and retain students of exceptional academic ability.
  • The scholarship is available only to entering freshmen
  • The scholarship is renewable annually provided a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA is maintained.
  • If student’s cumulative GPA is below the minimum 2.0 requirement when reviewed at the end of each spring semester, the student will not retain the Director’s Scholarship.
  • Once the scholarship is lost, it cannot be restored.


  • A recipient may receive up to $ 6,500 per semester for the Fall and Spring Semesters
  • Scholarships will be awarded initially upon approval from the Admissions Office and are renewable annually as long as eligibility is maintained.

Dean’s Scholarship


  • The Dean’s Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship designed to attract and retain students of exceptional academic ability.
  • The scholarship is available only to entering freshmen.
  • The scholarship is renewable annually provided a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA is maintained.
  • If the cumulative GPA is below the minimum 2.0 requirement when reviewed at the end of each spring semester, the student will not retain the Dean’s Scholarship.
  • Once the scholarship is lost, it cannot be restored.


  • A recipient may receive up to $7,500 per semester for the Fall and Spring semesters.
  • Scholarships will be awarded initially upon approval from the Admissions Office and are renewable annually as long as eligibility is maintained.

President’s Scholarship


  • The President’s Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship designed to attract and retain students of exceptional academic ability.
  • The scholarship is available only to entering freshmen.
  • The scholarship is renewable annually provided a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA is maintained.
  • If the cumulative GPA is below the minimum 2.0 requirement when reviewed at the end of each spring semester, the student will not retain the President’s Scholarship.
  • Once the scholarship is lost, it cannot be restored.


  • A recipient may receive up to $8,000 per semester for the Fall and Spring semesters.
  • Scholarships will be awarded initially upon approval from the Admissions Office and are renewable annually as long as eligibility is maintained.

Trustee’s Scholarship


  • The Trustee’s Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship designed to attract and retain students of exceptional academic ability.
  • The scholarship is available only to entering freshmen.
  • The scholarship is renewable annually provided a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA is maintained.
  • If the cumulative GPA is below the minimum 2.0 requirement when reviewed at the end of each spring semester, the student will not retain the Trustee’s Scholarship.
  • Once the scholarship is lost, it cannot be restored.


  • A recipient may receive up to $8,500 per semester for the Fall and Spring semesters.
  • Scholarships will be awarded initially upon approval from the Admissions Office and are renewable annually as long as eligibility is maintained.

Transfer Merit Scholarships

Transfer student Merit Scholarships are awarded based on the earned cumulative GPA for 24 or more units at a college or University recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and/or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation. Students are placed into one of four Merit Scholarship Tiers:

  • Transfer Platinum Scholarship ($13,000)   3.75 GPA and above
  • Transfer Gold Scholarship        ($12,000)    3.5 - 3.74 GPA
  • Transfer Blue Scholarship        ($11,000)    3.0 - 3.49 GPA
  • Transfer Bronze Scholarship   ($9,000)     2.5 - 2.99 GPA


  • Potential recipients must submit final official transcripts from all previous colleges or universities attended to the Undergraduate Admissions Office.

Transfer Platinum Scholarship


  • The Transfer Platinum Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship designed to attract and retain students of exceptional academic ability.
  • The scholarship is available only to incoming transfer students who have completed 24 or more units from an accredited university recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and/or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
  • The recipient must have earned a college cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.75 or above.
  • The scholarship is renewable annually provided a minimum 2.0 GPA is maintained.
  • If the cumulative GPA is below the minimum 2.0 requirement when reviewed at the end of each spring semester, the student will not retain the Transfer Platinum Scholarship.
  • Once the scholarship is lost it cannot be restored.


  • A recipient may receive up to $6,500 per semester for the Fall and Spring semesters.
  • Scholarships will be awarded initially upon approval from the Admissions Office and are renewable annually as long as eligibility is maintained.

Transfer Gold Scholarship


  • The Transfer Gold Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship designed to attract and retain students of exceptional academic ability.
  • The scholarship is available only to incoming transfer students who have completed 24 or more units from an accredited university recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and/or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
  • The recipient must have earned a college cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.5 to 3.74.
  • The scholarship is renewable annually provided a minimum 2.0 GPA is maintained.
  • If the cumulative GPA is below the minimum 2.0 requirement when reviewed at the end of each spring semester, the student will not retain the Transfer Gold Scholarship.
  • Once the scholarship is lost it cannot be restored.


  • A recipient may receive up to $6,000 per semester for the Fall and Spring semesters.
  • Scholarships will be awarded initially upon approval from the Admissions Office and are renewable annually as long as eligibility is maintained.

Transfer Blue Scholarship


  • The Transfer Blue Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship designed to attract and retain students of exceptional academic ability.
  • The scholarship is available only to incoming transfer students who have completed 24 or more units from an accredited university recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and/or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
  • The recipient must have earned a college cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 to 3.49.
  • The scholarship is renewable annually provided a minimum 2.0 GPA is maintained.
  • If the cumulative GPA is below the minimum 2.0 requirement when reviewed at the end of each spring semester, the student will not retain the Transfer Blue Scholarship.
  • Once the scholarship is lost it cannot be restored.


  • A recipient may receive up to $5,500 per semester for the Fall and Spring semesters.
  • Scholarships will be awarded initially upon approval from the Admissions Office and are renewable annually as long as eligibility is maintained.

Transfer Bronze Scholarship


  • The Transfer Bronze Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship designed to attract and retain students of exceptional academic ability.
  • The scholarship is available only to incoming transfer students who have completed 24 or more units from an accredited university recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and/or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation.
  • The recipient must have earned a college cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 2.5 or above.
  • The scholarship is renewable annually provided a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA is maintained.
  • If the cumulative GPA is below the minimum 2.0 requirement when reviewed at the end of each spring semester, the student will not retain the Transfer Bronze Scholarship.
  • Once the scholarship is lost, it cannot be restored.


  • A recipient may receive up to $4,500 per semester for the Fall and Spring semesters.
  • Scholarships will be awarded initially upon approval from the Admissions Office and are renewable annually as long as eligibility is maintained.

Departmental Scholarship - Traditional Programs

Architecture Scholarship


  • The Architecture Scholarship is designed for students who are serious about pursuing architecture.


  • Award amounts are determined by the College of Architecture, Visual Arts, and Design.


  • Potential recipients should apply directly with the College of Architecture, Visual Arts, and Design.

Athletic Scholarship


  • The Athletic Scholarship is designed to assist students who have been chosen to represent the University on one of the intercollegiate athletic teams.


  • A recipient must be selected for participation on one of the University’s athletic teams.
  • A recipient must meet eligibility requirements of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), the Western Athletic Conference, and institutional policy.
  • A recipient must sign a participant agreement and an Athletic Grant In Aid Form with the University.
  • Students participating in an NCAA sponsored sport and receiving athletically related aid are ineligible for all other sources of Institutional Aid, with the exception of the following: Merit Scholarships, CBU Grant, Yellow Ribbon, and ROTC Room and Board.


  • A recipient may receive up to full tuition, required fees, room, and board per semester for the Fall and Spring semesters.
  • Scholarships will be accepted by signature of an Athletic Grant In Aid Form.
  • Scholarships are awarded in accordance with NCAA and institutional bylaws, regulations, and policies.


  • Potential recipients should apply directly with the Athletic Department. If the student is offered a scholarship, the student will receive a letter from the Financial Aid Office.

Bachelor of Applied Theology Scholarship


  • The Bachelor of Applied Theology (BAT) Scholarship is designed to assist students that are preparing to be pastors and church leaders.


  • Student must apply and be accepted to the BAT program.
  • Students must sign the program contract with the School of Christian Ministries.


  • The award varies each year as approved by the Dean of the School of Christian Ministries and by the President of the University.
  • BAT scholarship recipients are not eligible to receive other institutional aid with the exception of those listed below:
    • VA Yellow Ribbon Program Scholarship
    • Participation-based scholarships
    • Donor scholarships


  • Applicants should apply directly with the School of Christian Ministries.

Engineering Scholarship


  • The Engineering Scholarship is designed to attract and assist students who plan to major in engineering.


  • Recipients are selected by the College of Engineering in the spring and summer prior to the award year. Most of the scholarships are awarded for academic achievement prior to coming to California Baptist University based on transcripts, and SAT, ACT, or CLT scores.


  • The award amount varies each year as approved by the Dean of the College of Engineering.


  • Potential recipients should apply directly with the College of Engineering.

College of Architecture, Visual Arts, and Design Scholarship


  • The College of Architecture, Visual Arts, and Design (CAVAD) Scholarship is designed for students who are serious about pursuing these disciplines.


  • Award amounts are determined by the College of Architecture, Visual Arts, and Design.


  • Potential recipients should apply directly with the College of Architecture, Visual Arts, and Design.

Journalism and Speech/Debate Scholarship


  • The Journalism and Speech/Debate Scholarship is designed to attract and assist students who have been selected for participation in journalism or speech and debate.
  • A recipient must be selected by the Communication Arts Department for participation in the publication of The Banner Student Newspaper, The Angelos Yearbook, or the Forensic Speech and Debate Team.


  • The award amount varies each year as approved by the department.


  • Potential recipients should apply directly with the Communication Arts Department.

Music Scholarship


  • The Music Scholarship is designed to attract and assist students who have been chosen for participation in one of the University’s music performance groups.


  • A recipient must be selected by the School of Music for participation in a music performance group or as a staff accompanist. A recipient must sign a contractual agreement with the School of Music.
  • Ensemble members or music students receiving a music scholarship are required to make normal academic progress in their academic studies. Normal academic progress is defined as enrolling in and successfully completing the proper sequence of courses listed in the current School of Music Handbook each semester. Students must comply with departmental procedures and make satisfactory progress toward their degree as reviewed by the School of Music faculty. This review can occur at any point during the semester or academic year.


  • Recipients may receive varying amounts for the Fall and Spring semesters.
  • Music scholarships are awarded on a semester-by-semester basis only.


  • Potential recipients should apply directly with the School of Music.

ROTC Room and Board Scholarship


  • The Room and Board Scholarship is designed to assist students who receive full tuition scholarships from one of the US Military branches of service.


  • Recipients of the Room and Board Scholarship must be recipients of full tuition scholarships provided by the military.
  • Recipients of the Room and Board Scholarship must have a completed FAFSA on file, even if the student does not plan on using financial aid


  • Recipients will be awarded the amount of a meal plan and standard room. When applicable, the total award package, including other federal, state, and institutional aid, may be adjusted to avoid exceeding direct cost.


  • Interested students should inquire with the office of the Assistant Professor for Military Science.

Theater Arts Scholarship


  • The Theater Arts Scholarship is designed to attract and assist students who have been selected for participation in annual drama and theater productions.
  • A recipient must be selected by the School of Performing Arts for participation in the major play production (dramatic or technical) or drama ministry teams.


  • Award amounts are determined by the Theater Department.


  • Potential recipients should apply directly with the School of Performing Arts.

Other Scholarships

California Baptist University Grant


  • The California Baptist University Grant program is a need-based grant offered to traditional undergraduate students.


  • The CBU Grant is an institutional need-based grant that is awarded to students who demonstrate need as determined by the results of the FAFSA and consideration of all other sources of gift aid.
  • The grant is renewable provided the student continues to demonstrate financial need, is maintaining satisfactory academic progress, and meets all other eligibility requirements to receive institutional aid.
  • The CBU Grant is coordinated with all other sources of aid and is subject to reduction based upon other aid sources received prior to and during the course of the academic year.


  • Students must complete a FAFSA and submit all requested financial aid paperwork to the Financial Aid Office to be considered for need-based sources of financial aid.

California Baptist University Promise Grant


  • The California Baptist University Promise Grant program guarantees that students receive a minimum annual amount of institutional aid as follows:
    • First Time Freshman $8,000
    • Transfer Student $8,000


  • The CBU Promise Grant is an institutional grant that is awarded to First Time Freshman who have less than $8,000 of institutional aid and to Transfer Students who have less than $8,000 of institutional aid.
  • It is added to the student’s financial aid offer in an amount that, when added to all other sources of institutional aid, brings the student’s total institutional aid to the promised amount listed above.
  • The grant is renewable provided the student continues to need the award to meet the promised amount listed above, is maintaining satisfactory academic progress, and meets all other eligibility requirements to receive institutional aid.
  • The CBU Promise Grant is coordinated with all other sources of institutional aid and is subject to reduction based upon other institutional aid received prior to and during the course of the academic year.


  • As with all sources of institutional aid, the Promise Grant will be prorated based on the student’s enrollment status.

Preferred District Scholarship


  • The Preferred District Scholarship program guarantees that first time freshmen entering CBU from one of the selected school districts having an agreement with California Baptist University receive a minimum of $10,000 institutional aid.


  • The Preferred District Scholarship is an institutional grant that is awarded to first time freshmen entering CBU from one of the selected school districts, as determined by the Admissions Office, who have less than $10,000 of institutional aid.
  • It is added to the student’s financial aid offer in an amount that, when added to all sources of institutional aid, bring the total institutional aid to $10,000.
  • The grant is renewable provided the student continues to need the award to meet the $10,000 guarantee, is maintaining satisfactory academic progress, and meets all other eligibility requirements to receive institutional aid.
  • The Preferred District Scholarship is coordinated with all other sources of institutional aid and is subject to reduction based upon other institutional aid received prior to and during the course of the academic year.


  • Students must complete a FAFSA and turn in all requested financial aid paperwork to the Financial Aid Office.
  • Potential recipients must submit final official high school transcripts to the Undergraduate Admissions Office.
  • As with all sources of institutional aid, the Preferred District Scholarship will be prorated based on the student’s enrollment status.

Church-Related Vocation (CRV) Scholarship


  • The Church-Related Vocation (CRV) Scholarship is designed to assist students who are preparing for a vocation as a minister.


  • The recipient must be a Southern Baptist student preparing for vocational ministry as a minister of education, music, children, youth, pastor, missionary, or denominational minister through the Southern Baptist Convention.
  • Applicants for the scholarship must be interviewed and recommended by a faculty member of the School of Christian Ministries.
  • Recipients must satisfactorily participate in the Supervised Ministry Program for students preparing for ministry in a church-related vocation.
  • Recipients must complete at least nine (9) units of upper division coursework within the School of Christian Ministries.
  • A local Southern Baptist Church must certify the recipient’s status. Satisfactory church attendance and participation are required.
  • The scholarship is renewable annually, with approval of the Dean of the School of Christian Ministries.


  • Recipients may receive a maximum of $1500 per semester, limited to the Fall and Spring semesters.


  • Applications are available in the School of Christian Ministries.

International Mission Board Scholarship


  • The International Mission Board Scholarship assists the dependent children (as determined by the student’s FAFSA) of an active missionary employed by the Southern Baptist Convention International Mission Board (IMB), or a missionary on furlough (stateside assignment) recognized as an IMB employee.


  • Recipients must be a traditional undergraduate student.
  • Recipients must be enrolled fulltime (12 or more units).
  • Recipients must make semesterly progress toward the completion of an undergraduate degree.
  • Recipients must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress.
  • Recipients must maintain continuous enrollment at CBU.  Exceptions may be granted in writing from the Student Services Office under limited circumstances (e.g. students who experience medical and/or emotional issues).
  • Recipients may only apply the IMB Scholarship to their first traditional undergraduate degree program.
  • Recipients must meet University Residency Requirements including residing in University housing and maintaining meal plan requirements. Please refer to the Student Handbook (“Meal Plans” and “Enrollment and Residency Requirements”) for details.
  • Recipients must abide by the CBU Standard of Student Conduct, understanding failure to do so may result in loss of this scholarship.


  • Recipients will be awarded 75% of tuition. All other fees, including room and board charges, are the responsibility of the student.
  • A recipient is eligible to receive participation based scholarships, but is not eligible for any other institutional aid.
  • The scholarship will cover degree applicable courses for the first bachelor’s degree.
  • If the recipient is a Cal Grant recipient, he or she can receive the scholarship up to the cost of tuition, general fee, and student services fee.
  • International Missions Board Scholarships are awarded during all academic terms: Fall, Spring, and Summer.


  • Potential recipients should inquire with the Undergraduate Admissions Office.

Minister’s Kin Scholarship


  • The Minister’s Kin Scholarship assists the dependent children of evangelical ministers.


  • The recipient must be the dependent child (as determined by the FAFSA) of a minister engaged in full-time service as a pastor, minister of education, music, children, youth, chaplain, missionary appointed by the Southern Baptist North American Mission Board or denominational employee engaged in a full-time vocational ministry. Students receiving a Bachelor’s of Applied Theology are not eligible for a Minister’s Kin Scholarship.
  • The scholarship is renewable annually.


  • A recipient may receive up to $1,625 per semester for the Fall and Spring semesters.


  • Potential recipients should inquire directly with the Admissions Office.

Multiple Sibling Discount


  • The Multiple Sibling Discount is designed to assist dependent students from families with two or more members who are simultaneously attending the Traditional Undergraduate Program at California Baptist University on a full-time basis.


  • Recipients must be immediate members of the same family (siblings) in which two or more family members are currently enrolled at California Baptist University in the Traditional Undergraduate Program on a full-time basis.
  • Online Program students are not eligible.
  • Siblings must both be dependent students as defined by the FAFSA.


  • Recipients receive $1,000 per semester for the Fall and Spring semesters.


  • Potential recipients should complete the FAFSA and turn in all required paperwork to the Financial Aid Office. New students should inquire directly with the Admissions Office.

Veteran Benefits

Using veteran educational benefits, Financial Aid Office staff will process course certification to the Department of Veterans Affairs in a timely and efficient manner. The Financial Aid Office maintains records for each identified veteran. A record of transfer work is kept on file and the Veterans Affairs (VA) is notified of the transfer work accepted for each veteran.

California Baptist University (CBU) is a participating Concurrent Admissions Program (ConAp) institution, and military credit or experience may provide some equivalency credit in accordance with the American Council on Education (ACE) guidelines.

At the beginning of their first term at CBU, new student veterans and dependents must provide a written request to the CBU School Certifying Official (SCO) to initiate reporting of verification of enrollment and academic progress to the appropriate VA regional office. Any changes in enrollment or attendance needs to be reported to the SCO. Satisfactory progress must be maintained as specified in the Scholastic Regulations Section under Academic Policies.

Students who qualify for the Post-9/11 GI Bill® may also qualify for the VA Yellow Ribbon Program Scholarship. The Yellow Ribbon GI Education Enhancement Program is a provision of the Post-9/11 Veterans Education Assistance Act of 2008. The program provides for an agreement between California Baptist University and the Department of Veterans Affairs to award scholarships to qualified VA students to fund tuition and fees that exceed benefits available under the Post-9/11 GI Bill®. Under the agreement, VA will match CBU’s scholarship contribution. CBU will consider all students who qualify for the Post-9/11 GI Bill® at the 100% benefit level for the Yellow Ribbon Scholarship Program.

Student veterans/dependents requesting their classes be certified under Chapter 33 (Post 9/11 GI Bill®) are required to obtain a Certificate of Eligibility from the VA and submit that to the SCO. Student veterans under Chapter 31 Veterans Readiness and Employment (VR&E) case manager must ensure that a Purchase Order Authorization is sent via Tungsten network directly to the SCO. For a period of ninety (90) days from the beginning of each term, students under Chapters 31 or 33 will not incur any penalty, including the assessment of late fees, the denial of access to classes, libraries, or other institutional facilities, or be required to secure additional financial resources to meet the student’s financial obligation which results from delayed VA disbursement.

Student veterans and dependents receiving educational benefits under Chapters 30, 31, 33, 35, and 1606 are required to submit a CBU Certification Request Form every semester thatthey plan to use VA educational benefits at CBU. Students can fill out the form electronically located on InsideCBU under the Financial Aid tab here: https://insidecbu.calbaptist.edu/ICS/Financial_Aid/.  Once submitted, the form will go to CBU’s SCO’s to begin the certification process. CBU’s SCO’s will certify courses after receiving the form and once the student is registered in courses that are degree applicable. Courses can still be certified after the term’s drop with refund date once all required documentation has been received. GI Bill® is a registered trademark of the US Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). For more information about VA educational benefits, visit https://www.va.gov/education/.

Military Tuition Assistance

California Baptist University Online Programs are available to active-duty service members of all branches of the Armed Forces through CBU’s participation in the Department of Defense Military Tuition Assistance (TA) Benefit Program. For additional information, go to https://www.cbuonline.edu/students/militarytuitionassistance.

VA Yellow Ribbon Program Scholarship


  • The Yellow Ribbon GI Education Enhancement Program is a provision of the Post-9/11 Veterans Education Assistance Act of 2008. The program provides for an agreement between California Baptist University and the Department of Veterans Affairs to award scholarships to qualified VA students to fund tuition and fees that exceed benefits available under the Post 9/11 GI Bill® (Chapter 33). Under the agreement, VA will match CBU’s scholarship contribution.


  • Students must qualify for the Post-9/11 GI Bill® through Veterans Affairs and elect to receive benefits under the Post-9/11 GI Bill® program.

  • Students must qualify for Yellow Ribbon program benefits as defined by the Post-9/11 GI Bill® and Yellow Ribbon GI Education Enhancement Program.


  • Recipients may receive varying amounts to be determined by semester enrollment, tuition, and fee charges. Not to exceed $14,000 per year max for undergraduate students.
  • Yellow Ribbon Scholarships are offered in lieu of CBU funded aid, including previously offered CBU funded academic or other institutional scholarships.  However, Yellow Ribbon recipients will remain eligible to receive specific participation scholarships, in addition to the Yellow Ribbon Scholarship.  The specific participation scholarships are as follows: athletics related, music, theater, speech/debate, Bachelor of Applied Theology program. The combination of these specific participation scholarships and Yellow Ribbon scholarships will only be funded up to direct charges and books and will not be refundable.  If veteran benefits expire prior to graduation, academic or other institutional scholarships may be reinstated as long as academic renewal requirements have been met.
  • Recipients will be awarded in the current and subsequent academic years in which the University participates in the Yellow Ribbon Program and the student maintains continued enrollment, conduct, and attendance.

  • CBU’s undergraduate Yellow Ribbon Scholarship award shall not exceed $14,000 for any given academic year for undergraduate students.


  • CBU will offer Yellow Ribbon Scholarship to students who qualify at the 100% benefit level for the Post-9/11 GI Bill® and the Yellow Ribbon Program as determined by their VA Certificate of Eligibility.


  • Students who utilize VA Chapter Benefits for tuition and fees at CBU may have their institutional scholarship aid reduced to direct costs. Institutional aid is not refundable and VA Chapter Benefits will be applied to tuition and fees first.

International Student Scholarships for Undergraduate Students

Common Requirements for International Student Scholarships

  • Institutional aid is applied to tuition, fees, room and board charges only. Institutional aid consists of grants from California Baptist University and is not to exceed the total cost of tuition, fees and on-campus room and board.
  • Institutional aid is applied directly to a student’s account. No cash distributions are made directly to the recipients.
  • Institutional aid is not transferable to students other than the recipient.
  • Institutional aid recipients must maintain full-time enrollment to remain eligible. For financial aid purposes, full-time enrollment is defined as twelve (12) units for undergraduate students. By exception, institutional aid will be prorated to the enrollment status of half-time or less.
  • Students receiving institutional aid must maintain satisfactory academic progress as stated in this catalog. Students receiving participation scholarships may remain eligible at the discretion of the department.
  • Students concurrently enrolled in other institutions are eligible for California Baptist University institutional aid based only on the units being taken at CBU.
  • Generally, institutional aid is awarded for the Fall and Spring semesters only, unless otherwise indicated.
  • Students receiving “tuition discount” through their Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) cannot receive other institutional aid. Students can only receive the MOU or institutional aid, whichever is greater.

Global Initiatives Grant


  • The Global Initiatives Grant program is based on merit and need.


  • Student must maintain a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 2.0 or higher.
  • Student must demonstrate need as determined by the results of the international student financial aid packet to be eligible.
  • New and continuing international students are eligible for the grant.
  • The grant is renewable dependent upon meeting the eligibility requirements and availability of funds.


  • Students are eligible to receive up to $4,000 per semester.


  • Potential recipients should complete and submit the International Financial Aid Packet and any other requested paperwork to the International Center.

Ambassador’s Scholarship


  • The Ambassador’s Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship designed to attract and retain international students of exceptional academic ability.


  • The scholarship is available only to entering freshmen.
  • The recipient must have earned a minimum cumulative high school grade point average (GPA) of 3.5 on a 4.0 scale.
  • The scholarship is renewable annually provided a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA is maintained.
  • Should the cumulative GPA drop below this requirement, the recipient will be given one probationary semester to restore the cumulative GPA to the minimum level. Only one such probationary semester will be allowed throughout the student’s tenure at California Baptist University.


  • A recipient may receive up to $6,000 per semester for the Fall and Spring semesters.
  • Scholarships will be awarded initially upon approval from the International Center and are renewable annually as long as eligibility is maintained.

Diplomat’s Scholarship


  • The Diplomat’s Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship designed to attract and retain international students of exceptional academic ability.


  • The scholarship is available only to entering freshmen.
  • The recipient must have earned a minimum cumulative high school grade point average (GPA) of 3.0 - 3.49 on a 4.0 scale.
  • The scholarship is renewable annually provided a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA is maintained.
  • Should the cumulative GPA drop below this requirement, the recipient will be given one probationary semester to restore the cumulative GPA to the minimum level. Only one such probationary semester will be allowed throughout the student’s tenure at California Baptist University.


  • A recipient may receive up to $4,500 per semester for the Fall and Spring semesters.
  • Scholarships will be awarded initially upon approval from the International Center and are renewable annually as long as eligibility is maintained.




  • The Transfer INTERNATIONAL NAVIGATOR Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship designed to attract and retain international students of exceptional academic ability.


  • The scholarship is only available to incoming transfer students who have completed 24 or more units from an accredited university recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and/or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation or equivalent.
  • The recipient must have earned a college cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.3 or above.
  • The scholarship is renewable annually provided a minimum 2.0 GPA is maintained.
  • Should the cumulative GPA drop below this requirement, the recipient will be given one probationary semester to restore the GPA to the minimum level. Only one such probationary semester will be allowed throughout the student’s tenure at California Baptist University.


  • A recipient may receive up to $4,000 per semester for the Fall and Spring semesters.
  • Scholarships will be awarded initially upon approval from the International Center and are renewable annually as long as eligibility is maintained.



  • The Transfer INTERNATIONAL EXPLORER Scholarship is a merit-based scholarship designed to attract and retain international students of exceptional academic ability.


  • The scholarship is only available to incoming transfer students who have completed 24 or more units from an accredited university recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and/or the Council for Higher Education Accreditation or equivalent..
  • The recipient must have earned a college cumulative grade point average (GPA) of at least 3.0 - 3.29.
  • The scholarship is renewable annually provided a minimum 2.0 GPA is maintained.
  • Should the cumulative GPA drop below this requirement, the recipient will be given one probationary semester to restore the GPA to the minimum level. Only one such probationary semester will be allowed throughout the student’s tenure at California Baptist University.


  • A recipient may receive up to $3,000 per semester for the Fall and Spring semesters.
  • Scholarships will be awarded initially upon approval from the International Center and are renewable annually as long as eligibility is maintained.

Federal Financial Aid Programs for Undergraduate Students

Common Requirements for All Federal Programs

  1. All students applying for federal aid must complete a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). It must be valid and have an official SAI.
  2. Federal aid recipients must be a U.S. citizen, permanent resident, or eligible non-citizen.
  3. Federal aid recipients must not be in default of a student loan and must not owe for an over payment of any federal educational grant.
  4. Federal aid recipients must maintain satisfactory academic progress according to institutional standards as stated in this catalog.
  5. Students concurrently enrolled at other institutions will only be eligible to receive financial aid for registered units at California Baptist University, unless there is an approved consortium agreement.

Note: Federal programs are subject to change at any time.

Federal Pell Grant


  • The Federal Pell Grant is a federally funded, need-based grant available to undergraduate students as determined annually by the U.S. Congress.


  • Eligibility for the Federal Pell Grant is determined by the federal government according to a formula developed by the U.S. Department of Education and approved annually by Congress.
  • Students must submit a FAFSA to determine eligibility. Students will be notified of eligibility via the FAFSA Submission Summary.
  • If a student has less than 100% of Pell Grant eligibility for the year, then the maximum amount that can be awarded is added to their first term. Any remaining eligible amount is added their subsequent term.
  • Pell Grant will be adjusted based on a student’s enrollment intensity, as defined below:

    Enrollment Intensity: Enrollment intensity is the percentage of full-time enrollment at which a student is enrolled, rounded to the nearest whole percent, with full-time enrollment being 12 credit hours. For example, if a student is enrolled in 7 hours in a semester, the enrollment intensity would be 7 ÷ 12 × 100% = 58%.

  • Students enrolled less than half time may qualify for a portion of their Pell Grant.


  • Award amounts vary based on the annual amount approved by Congress and the student’s eligibility based on the FAFSA.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)


  • The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant is a federally funded, need-based, campus-based grant designed to supplement other sources of financial aid for students who qualify for additional assistance.


  • Eligibility is determined by a student’s Student Aid Index (SAI) and Pell Grant eligibility. Students with the lowest SAI will be awarded first. Priority will be given to students with completed financial aid files. Availability is limited.


  • In general, the award is up to $2,000 per year, divided equally among fall and spring semesters of enrollment.
  • The semester award amount will be prorated for less than half-time enrollment.

Federal Work Study Program


  • Federal Work Study (FWS) is a federally funded, need-based, campus-based work program designed to assist undergraduate and graduate students desiring a job on campus to earn money for their educational expenses.


  • Eligibility is determined by a student’s financial need as determined by the results of the FAFSA. Availability is limited.


  • FWS funds are not disbursed separately to the student, nor applied to the student’s account; they are included in the student’s regular paycheck. Work Study awards indicate a maximum amount for which a student is eligible. Student’s earnings will be monitored each pay period and counted toward their eligibility.
  • FWS earnings will not negatively impact FAFSA determined financial aid eligibility in subsequent years.


  • Students obtain an employment application from Career Services. The application is reviewed by Financial Aid for FWS eligibility. Once employment is obtained, FWS will be applied. FWS amounts are based on hours worked and financial need as determined by the FAFSA.

Federal Direct Loan


  • The Federal Direct Loan is a low-interest loan available to students who have financial need as determined by the results of the FAFSA. The loan is made to the student by the US Department of Education through the Direct Loan Program. Students should refer to studentaid.gov regarding payment details and servicer information for their Direct Loan repayments. Interest rates are subject to change upon congressional and presidential action.

Federal Subsidized Direct Loan Interest Rates - No interest accrues while the student is enrolled in school at least half-time and repayment begins six months after graduating, leaving school, or dropping below half time enrollment.

Federal Unsubsidized Direct Loan Interest Rates - Interest begins accruing after the first disbursement. The student is responsible for any interest accrued but can defer the interest with the principle of the loan. Unsubsidized loans have a fixed interest rate calculated yearly based upon the ten year Treasury note index, plus an add-on determined by congress. The interest rate is capped at 9.5%.


  • Students are allowed subsidized loans for 150% of the published time frame for the program of study, up to the aggregate loan limit.
  • Eligibility is determined by a student’s financial need and grade level.
  • First-time borrowers and transfer students must complete entrance counseling before any funds will be disbursed. Upon graduation or whenever a recipient ceases to be enrolled, exit counseling must be completed.
  • When a refund is applicable, funds will be disbursed electronically directly to the student’s preassigned account or via paper check if necessary.


  • See following chart for eligibility amounts.

Annual and Aggregate Loan Limits

Federal Direct Loans

  Dependent Students Independent Students
Academic Year Base Direct Loan Amount Additional Unsubsidized Loan Base Direct Amount Additional Unsubsidized Loan
Annual Limits
Year 1 $3,500 $2,000 $3,500 $6,000
Year 2 $4,500 $2,000 $4,500 $6,000
Year 3, 4, 5 $5,500 $2,000 $5,500 $7,000
Aggregate Limits
Undergraduate $23,000 $8,000 $23,000 $34,500

Federal Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS)


  • Federal PLUS loans are available to credit worthy parent borrowers. Loans are made by the U.S. Department of Education. Repayment of PLUS loans begins within 60 days after final disbursement is made to the school unless the borrower requests a loan deferment. Fixed interest rates are determined yearly by Congress, not to exceed 9%. Updated interest rate information is made available at studentaid.gov.


  • Eligibility is dependent upon the amount of other financial aid a student receives. Federal PLUS loans are not need-based; however, when added to the student’s financial aid, the total may not exceed the students cost of attendance.


  • Under the federal PLUS loan program, a parent may be eligible to borrow up to the difference between University costs and other aid received each academic year.

Note: Additional Direct Loans may also be available for dependent students whose parents do not qualify for a PLUS loan. A PLUS application must have been denied by the US Department of Education, prior to a dependent student receiving any additional unsubsidized loan.

State Financial Aid Programs

Common Requirements for State Programs

  1. All students applying for new Cal Grant awards must submit a FAFSA and a GPA verification form by the published deadline (usually March 2nd). Current Cal Grant recipients must also submit the FAFSA to determine renewal of Cal Grant eligibility.
  2. All students applying for state aid must be U.S. citizens, permanent residents, eligible non-citizens or, eligible AB540 student as determined by the state of California.
  3. State aid recipients must be residents of California. Until age 18, the student’s residency status is determined by that of the parents. After age 18, the student’s personal residency must be verified.
  4. State aid recipients must maintain at least half-time enrollment to be eligible to receive Cal Grant. For financial aid purposes, half-time enrollment is defined as six (6) units. Award amounts will be prorated for students enrolled less than full time in any semester or term.
  5. State aid recipients must not be in default on a student loan and not owe a refund on any state or federal educational grant.
  6. State aid recipients must make satisfactory academic progress as explained under the Satisfactory Academic Progress section of this catalog.
  7. California Baptist University does not have a mandatory fifth year program.
  8. If a student becomes a Cal Grant recipient, other awarded institutional aid may be reduced to prevent Cal Grant and institutional aid from exceeding demonstrated financial need.
  9. Students concurrently enrolled at other institutions will only be eligible to receive financial aid for registered units at California Baptist University.
  10. AB540 eligible students must complete the Worksheet for California Dream Act by the May 2nd deadline. Additional documentation may be required. Please visit www.csac.ca.gov for complete details.

Cal Grant A


  • The Cal Grant A is a state-funded, need and merit-based grant that provides tuition and fee assistance to eligible students.


  • Eligibility is determined by a student’s financial need as determined by the results of the FAFSA and cumulative GPA. Please consult the Financial Aid Office for further information regarding eligibility and funding levels.


  • Based on eligibility, Cal Grant A funds are awarded for tuition and fees only.
  • Amounts are determined annually by the state legislature and administered by the California Student Aid Commission.
  • Students interested in pursuing a Teaching Credential may be eligible for a 5th year Teaching Credential extension. Please see the Financial Aid Office for further information.

Cal Grant B


  • The Cal Grant B is a state-funded, need-based grant that provides tuition and fee assistance and an access allowance to students from low-income families.


  • Eligibility is determined by a student’s financial need as determined by the results of the FAFSA and cumulative GPA. Please consult the Financial Aid Office for further information regarding eligibility and funding levels.


  • Cal Grant B first-year, full-time recipients receive an access allowance only. The access allowance may vary according to state funding levels. In subsequent years, a Cal Grant B recipient enrolled full-time receives tuition and fee assistance in addition to the access allowance. The tuition and fee assistance award may vary according to state funding levels.
  • Cal Grant B first-year recipients who are receiving the access portion only may be eligible to receive the California Baptist University Cal B Assistance grant. The California Baptist University Cal B Assistance is awarded only during the first year of a Cal Grant B award and should not exceed $7,710.
  • Amounts are determined annually by the state legislature and administered by the California Student Aid Commission.
  • Students have the option to apply the access portion of their Cal Grant B to their outstanding balance on their student account, or the student can request a personal receipt of the funds prior to the funds disbursing to use for educational purposes such as books and supplies. Students may contact the Financial Aid Office for more information regarding the access portion of their Cal Grant B.

Private Financial Aid Programs

CBU students have access to Scholarship Universe, a personalized list of scholarships for which a student may be eligible.
For more information please visit: https://calbaptist.edu/admissions-aid/tuition-aid/undergraduate/scholarship-aid/scholarship-universe