2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Feb 11, 2025  
2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog

Music, BA

The Bachelor of Arts in Music degree is a generally focused major in the field of music. Through studies in foundational principles of music and performance, students will gain a broad understanding of music paired with other fields of study. 

Major Requirements (49-51 units)

Core Applied Music Requirements


*Enrollment in Class Piano (MUS 012  or 022 )  is required of music majors whose primary instrument is other than piano each semester until the Piano Proficiency requirements are met. An opportunity to attempt to pass the Piano Proficiency exam for first semester students will be offered during rehearsal camp. For returning students, an attempt to pass the exam or portions of the exam will be offered at the end of each semester. (See Music Handbook for Piano Proficiency requirements.)

**Students must complete eight (8) units of Private Instruction on the same instrument or voice.

***Students must enroll and complete four (4) units in one of the following ensembles: MUS 067 , 068 , 090 , 091 , 092 , 094 , 095 , 096 , 097 , or 099 

1Students must satisfy the Applied Music Proficiency requirements to enroll in upper-division applied study. They will typically complete this proficiency jury at the end of the fourth semester of applied study. Students will remain in the lower-division applied study until they successfully complete the proficiency jury.

Core Upper Division Requirements