2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Sep 13, 2024  
2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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EGR 101 - Engineering from a Christian Worldview

Units: 3
When Offered: Fall
The course serves as an introduction to the exciting field and vocation of engineering and the value of engineering education. This course includes guest lectures describing various engineering disciplines, team-based introductory projects, community service, and weekly readings that focus on how to be successful as an engineering student. The weekly readings include topics on self-discovery, goal setting, work-life balance, and understanding the teaching/learning process. A course emphasis includes Christian perspectives on purpose, integrity, and service as they relate to the vocation of engineering. This is the first course required of all students considering engineering as a major. Note: This is a required course for Engineering, Computer Science, and Construction Management Majors.
Grade Type: Letter Grade
Pre- or Co- Requisite(s): ICS 105  

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