2021-2022 Graduate Catalog 
    Sep 07, 2024  
2021-2022 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

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ENG 582 - Topics in Literature and Film

Units: 3
When Offered: As offered
This course addresses the relationship between literature and film, focusing on the theory and practice of adaptation from a literary to a cinematic medium. Film adaptations will be analyzed for their relation to their literary counterparts, particularly in regard to ideology, socio-historical recontextualization, and generic issues. The films also will be evaluated for their cinematic integrity as autonomous cultural products aimed at particular audiences. Topics for the seminar might be genre or author-based, such as adaptations of the novels of Jane Austen, or subject-based, such as a study of adaptation and intertextuality in literature, film, and new media. Students should see the instructor for the focus of the current semester.
Repeatable: May be repeated one (1) time for credit
Grade Type: Letter Grade

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